Gina Marie DePrima, Esq., is a natural born empath, energy worker and family/divorce law attorney. Gain a legal and healing perspective to all matters of the h...
Join Gina and her special guest, Dr. David Rendelstein, leading wellness and weight loss expert, for a frank talk about maintaining physical health during difficult times and why NOW is the time to take control of your health. Dr. Rendelstein is a living testimonial for weight loss, even during difficult times. He lost 100 lbs. in 6 months and now helps his client's do the same. Special giveaway: Take the ThinTest to discover your barriers to losing weight and keeping it Help change the paradigm of divorce and spread peace to more families. SUBSCRIBE, RATE/REVIEW, SHARE with a friend. GET IN TOUCH: *** for legal/mediation consultation *** for coaching and mentoring support ***Facebook Group: Divorce with Heart
#45: Why Settle?
WOW! This episode is powerful. Join Gina as she breaks down some top reasons WHY you should settle (or at least seriously consider it). She speaks with tenacity, compassion and love for her listeners and from a place of raw beautiful honesty to help protect their futures. A definitely "must listen" for anyone going through a legal process.
#44: How To Quickly Shift Your Mind and Heart
8 months ago, she was getting married... She was a stay at home mom of a beautiful little at home was good, going along as planned. 3 Months ago, life changed. She was out on the street, no money, no job, no fiance, and about to embark on a "battle" for custody. The break up was like getting hit with a Mack Truck. But she didn't stay down! she got up stronger than ever; She dropped the sword and started a new fight: a fight for peace. On today's episode hear all about how she did, what it was like, and how she feels now, as I interview Ashley, from California.
#43: Why you need to "Check Your Bags" at the door, if you want more peace in your life
Did you know your thoughts and feelings are transmitted in your conversations and through your interactions, even when you're not aware of them. That's right. When we interact, we not only convey and transmit intended information and ideas, we also convey and transmit subtle information that we may not even be aware of. It's your vibe. Your vibe that emanates from your heart carries with it encoded information about your overall thoughts, feelings, and state of being. So if you think angry thoughts all day, and feel guarded or defensive, your vibe will transmit that to whoever you are interacting with. Tune in to explore some ways to mind your energy, Check your Bags and shift into what you really want your vibe to be. For support with techniques and to practice elevating your vibe, join the membership portal at www.divorce To dive deeper and change your experience, heal your heart, and breakaway from damaging relationship patterns, go to to talk with Gina about personal coaching support.
#42: Communication Tips for Back to School
Access schedules, sports, instruments, homework, activities, vaccinations even.... all these things come to mind when I think about communication and back to school. What do you do when your communication is strained? What do you do when you can't talk to your Ex or STBX? How do you navigate all that needs to be done to protect and promote your children's best interests? Gina dives in to explore communication tips and tricks to help you stop fighting and start peacemaking and problem solving, instead. There's always room to add more heart and to learn how to communicate coherently. Find out in this episode. For more tools and support from Gina, join the membership portal at www.divorce; or for private coaching book a call at
About Divorce With Heart and Conscious Co-Parenting
Gina Marie DePrima, Esq., is a natural born empath, energy worker and family/divorce law attorney. Gain a legal and healing perspective to all matters of the heart. Emotional unrest can be a catalyst to a brighter future with the proper foundation. Build a foundation for a more peaceful future. Gain clarity and solutions during your relationship family struggles.
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