Welcome to the Football Medicine® Podcast! Here you can listen, at no cost, to some of the greatest professionals working today on Football related Sports Medic...
FM 010 - Is there a role for supplementation in injury prevention and recovery? – a talk with Gabriel Martins
For our 10th episode, we
spoke with Portuguese nutritionist Gabriel Martins, author of the fantastic
Fuel the Pedal Podcast and who’s currently working in Spain with cyclists.
The following themes were
- Potential rational behind the use
of fad-diets;
- General
needs in terms of macro and micronutrients for the injured athlete;
- Possible role for supplementation like
collagen, vitamin C, creatine, among others, especially for muscle and tendon
FM 009 - How to implement sleep enhancing strategies in football? – a talk with Dr. Craig Duncan
How to implement sleep enhancing strategies in football? – a talk with Dr Craig Duncan
In this episode, we talked with world renewed sport scientist Dr Craig Duncan about the importance of sleep in high performance football. We covered the following subjects:
- Effects of sleep deprivation on performance and healing times on our injured players;
- Sleep quality and quantity for enhancing regeneration and recovery;
- Strategies to reduce the ever increasing travelling and environmental demands in today’s football.
FM 008 - Healthy relation between S&C facility and club: how? - a talk with Mike Boyle, pt. 2
In the second part of this conversation, Strenght and Conditioning expert Mike Boyle gives us his opinion about:
- Expected recovery time for an athlete after a strength session;
- Relations between a S&C coach that works outside the club environment with his athletes… and their respective clubs;
- Load management precautions on this matter.
FM 007 - How to implement a strength training program for football players? – a talk with Mike Boyle, pt. 1
In this first of two parts, we talk with Strenght and Conditioning expert
Mike Boyle about some football-related subjects.
How we can improve strength testing in soccer, recommendations regarding a football player’s strength and conditioning
program and the importance of speed and power as much needed physical qualities for
this athletes are the main themes approached in this talk.
FM 006 - How to efficiently connect medical and coaching staffs - a talk with Carlos Carvalhal
In this sixth episode we talk with football manager Carlos Carvalhal from Portugal, who recently trained Sheffield Wednesday and Swansea in the UK. In this interview we discuss some aspects regarding this type of relation, like: main expectations from the manager about the work of a medical department; main flaws, if any, found in this department and how to correct them; and the up-growing role of the medical staff in training load monitoring and management.
Welcome to the Football Medicine® Podcast! Here you can listen, at no cost, to some of the greatest professionals working today on Football related Sports Medicine. With the maximal duration of 15 minutes, it’s the perfect way to improve your knowledge in this area while you are doing your daily activities. More info at: https://footballmedicine.net/.