This is a podcast for parents for who have an anxious child. Practical suggestions are given to help with a wide range of situations in which anxiety can inte...
What to do when you panic-A Kids guide. Interview with Lenka Glassman, Psy.D
Lenka Glassman, PsyD has just published What To Do When You Panic: A Kid's Guide to Transforming Panic Into Personal Power She has also written a book for middle school children How to Master Your Mood in Middle School She is a clinical psychologist practicing in Bethesda MD and can be found at Her workbook fills a much needed gap in helping children with intense feelings that really take over. She delightfully engages her school age audience with using "magic tricks" to tame panic such "magic breathing", and paradoxically doing the opposite of what "panic" wants. Parents will feel more confident handling tough moments after reading this book.
Taming Perfectionism: Interview with Ellen Hendrikson, PhD
Ellen Hendriksen, PhD has just published her second book, How To Be Enough: Self-Acceptance for Self-Critics and Perfectionists. I talked previously with Dr Hendrikson on this podcast on 1/30/2023 after she published her first book, How to Be Yourself: Quiet Your Inner Critic and Rise Above Social Anxiety. In both podcasts, you will find her eloquent and deeply informative. In this podcast we talk about perfectionism and social anxiety. Her new book is fun to read and deeply informative on the topic of perfectionism. She describes the alarming increase in perfectionism and the 7 shifts that are needed to develop a more balanced life. For more information about Dr Hendrikson
"Climate Change Anxiety and Children" Interview with Leslie Davenport
Climate change and the anxiety children may experience learning about it, is a challenging topic. Leslie Davenport is a climate psychology educator and therapist. She has just written What to Do When Climate Change Scares You: A Kid's Guide to Dealing with Climate Change Stress for ages 6-11. For tweens and up she had previously published All The Feelings Under the Sun: How To Deal Climate Change. In this podcast, Leslie Davenport explores some the complex issues around climate change, how we maintain hope in the face of some very serious facts, and how we can help children struggling with this issue. For more information about Leslie Davenport
Raising Resilience Children and Decoding Toddler's behavior: Interview with Tovah Klein, PhD
Tovah P. Klein, PhD is an adjunct associate professor of psychology at Barnard College and director of the Barnard College Center for Toddler Development. She has written two books and published numerous journal articles. Her first book, How Toddlers Thrive is absolutely one of my favorite books. She helps us decode toddler behavior which can often be quite baffling and confusing. Her most recent book Raising Resilience could not be more timely. It is about how to do help parent children so that they can deal with uncertainty and adversity. Her knowledge of young children brings fresh insights into what children of all ages, need from us in order to thrive in a very uncertain world.
Helping Your Unmotivated Teen: Interview with Melanie McNally, PsyD
Melanie McNally, PsyD has just published Helping Your Unmotivated Teen: A Parent's Guide to Unlock your Child's Potential. She was seeing a lot of parents complain about how their teens appeared lazy and what she found was it was really a problem in motivation. Dr McNally talked with me about how to think about motivation and what goes into it, She talks about how motivation involves three skillsets: drive, grit and goals and then how to address difficulties with skillset Dr McNally is a licensed clinical psychologist who is also the author of The Emotionally Intelligent Teen. You can learn about Dr McNally at her website
This is a podcast for parents for who have an anxious child. Practical suggestions are given to help with a wide range of situations in which anxiety can interfere with a child's life