Ways IT Professionals can Express their Voice
In this episode of the The Smart IT podcast, I welcomed Syya Yasotornrat, Sarah Welch, and Elizabeth Goins, on a panel discussion of "Ways IT Professionals can Express their Voice". In this episode, we set out to help out IT here in a little different way today. We want IT to express themselves, to express their voice to their internal teams, and to the rest of the world.So a lot of time, technical folks might have a little trouble getting out there in front, but one of things we talk about with Smart IT is the ability to lead and communicate well. This could be when you trying to get your idea across to your team, are looking at your career path, you want to get promoted in the future, or you want to go out and start your own business. A lot of times you need more advanced communication skills. You need to be able to lead a conversation, take data & facts, formulate your perspective, and present it to a wide variety of audiences. So if we're looking out there, all the million of techies out there and they're thinking, you know what? I'm not being heard inside my company or my manager doesn't see me. My colleagues don't know what I do or all the cool things I do. So they may not know exactly how to go about actually presenting themselves in a way they are heard. This episode is for you.In this day and age, we've got a lot of cool and interesting new ways to do that, including:- Starting your own podcast to chat with many people on topics of interest to you.- The ability to express yourself either technically or creatively (maybe even fictional) by writing your own book.- And then obviously the ability to create your own ideas and then get up in front of an audience to share your insights.In this episode, we have all those areas covered with these three innovators and founders. So I'm excited for this conversation as we explored different ways for IT professionals to express themselves and communicate effectively. We covered topics such as presenting ideas, writing books, and starting a podcast. The guests provided insights on how to tailor messages to different audiences, break through the noise, and make a lasting impression. Overall, the conversation emphasized the power of presenting your ideas, knowing your audience, and embracing your unique voice.Takeaways:- There are various ways to express yourself in the IT field, speaking up in meetings, writing a book, or starting a podcast.- The importance of practice, feedback, and continuous improvement in becoming better communicators. - Step out of your comfort zones and find unique ways to express their thoughts and ideas. - The importance of authenticity and effective communication in various professional settings. - Tailor your message to your audience's needs and pain points to make it relevant and interesting.- Practice and iterate on your presentations to improve your communication skills.- Don't be afraid to do something different and be memorable in your presentations.- Get out of your own head and overcome the fear of being judged by others.- Break through the noise by adding humor, anecdotes, or unexpected elements to your presentations.- There is no one-size-fits-all approach to communication and expressing yourself. Find what works for you. Authenticity is key in effective communication, whether it's presenting corporate messaging or hosting a podcast.- Engaging presentations involve storytelling, knowing your audience, and incorporating elements that make you stand out.- Investing in personal development and continuously improving yourself is crucial for professional growth.- What's your why? What's your passion? What is that fire in your belly? Like, why are you doing this?Keywords:#podcast #book #writing #presentation #leadership #communications #speaking #publicspeaking #ideas #authenticity...