The Good Things Guy, Brent Lindeque joins Themba and Bouwer to talk about all good things, including the worldwide RAK Nomination, Brent's parents getting stuck in a car for 2 days and Oprah Winfrey.Follow Brent on instagram - @GoodThingsGuy Follow us on instagram - @hows_life_podThemba - @themba_robinBouwer - @bouwerbosch
Episode 7 - Dan Patlansky
Themba & Bouwer sit down with legendary guitarist Dan Patlansky to talk about making music in the modern era, the challenges of balancing creativity and parenthood, and whether he truly is one of the best guitarists in the world. Plus, Themba treats us to a special performance of Wonderwall.Find Dan Patlansky on instagram - @danpatlanskyFollow us on instagram - @howslifepodThemba - @themba_robinBouwer - @bouwerbosch
Episode 6 - Zelda La Grange
In this episode, Bouwer and Themba have an inspiring conversation with Zelda La Grange about her latest book, What Nelson Mandela Taught Me. Together, they reflect on the lessons from Nelson Mandela’s legacy and share their hopes for the future of South Africa."What Nelson Mandela Taught Me" is now available.Follow Zelda on instagram @zeldalagrangesaWatch and subscribe to How's life on Youtube Follow us on instagram @hows_life_pod, @themba_robin, @bouwerbosch
Episode 5 : Buying and Selling on Marketplace
Themba and Bouwer dive deep into the world of online marketplaces, finding hidden gems that they truly believe are diamonds in the rough. Will they buy or won't they?Watch this episode on YouTubeFollow us on instagram at @hows_life_pod, @themba_robin, @bouwerbosch
Episode 4 : Sam da Fonseca
Themba and Bouwer welcome Sam "The Car Guy" da Fonseca into the studio for a chat about, well cars... but also growing up in the influencer age, how to succeed as a creator today, and also how to do nothing.Watch this episode on YouTubeFollow Sam on instagram at @thecarscene_, and on YouTube at TheCarSceneAnd us at @hows_life_pod, @themba_robin, @bouwerbosch
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