Join Rabbi Justin Treger - a business leader and rabbi who himself traverses the worlds of Torah and commerce on a daily basis - on a journey exploring Torah so...
The Rambam teaches us the cure to fix our character traits - we must go all the way to their opposite extreme. Break your stinginess by giving beyond your comfort zone. This takes guts & courage, but it's the only way you'll grow. And rest assured - our sages teach with absolute confidence that giving charity will make you wealthy. Not only that, but it will transform your relationship to money and Hashem. No business strategy or advice can match the Torah - all you need to do is apply it and be confident that Hashem will keep his word. To join the Jewish Wealth Creation Whatsapp Group , click on this link:
The Cure for Stinginess
Your transformation begins by ‘throwing money away’! In episode 5, Rabbi Treger identifies the areas of spending money that expose our stinginess struggles. With personal anecdotes of his own challenges, Rabbi Treger lays down the steps to develop the incredible trait of generosity. Being a generous person is the key to a relationship with Hashem - this is your guideline to get there! To join the Jewish Wealth Creation Whatsapp Group , click on this link:
Working with real trust in Hashem
Every businessperson needs to know what real trust in Hashem is - and what it's not. You've heard this assumption before: "More trust in Hashem means less effort" Join Rabbi Treger in exploring the real definition of "Bitachon" and why trust in Hashem never replaces effort. With deep insights from Rabbeinu Yonah, discover the role that Hashem wants you to play with His money and how real trust in Hashem aligns you with that elevated purpose. To join the Jewish Wealth Creation Whatsapp Group:
Money emotions… never lie! Who are you, really?
Growth begins with a clear picture of who you are now - and this demands honesty. Are you a giver, taker or reciprocator? Use Rabbi Treger's guided approach, based on our Sages, to determine your current relationship to money. If you're honest and brave, an exciting journey of real growth awaits you. To join the Jewish Wealth Creation Whatsapp Group, click on this link:
Generosity - the change catalyst
Generosity is earmarked as a central trait for internal and external growth. Pirkei Avos teaches us that generosity can transform the lense through which you process life. Generous people: Perceive actual value, without being blinded by short-sighted financial decisions. Make better choices, because they see the bigger picture. Develop good character traits with ease Learn from Rabbeinu Yona how to build your life using the Torah - all you need is generosity. To join the Jewish Wealth Creation Whatsapp Group, click on this link:
More Religion & Spirituality podcastsMore Religion & Spirituality podcasts
Join Rabbi Justin Treger - a business leader and rabbi who himself traverses the worlds of Torah and commerce on a daily basis - on a journey exploring Torah sources that will guide you in integrating work as a key element in your Avodas Hashem.