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'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon

Podcast 'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon
Africa Podcast Network
'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon is 'n podcast wat die wêreld van die moderne Afrikaanse ma weerspieel. Aanbieder Daniëlla van Heerden (self 'n ma van twee) voer openhartig...

Available Episodes

5 of 49
  • [Heruitsending] Boelies: Help Só Jou Kind/ [Rebroadcast] Bullies: How To Help Your Child
  • [Heruitsending] Leer jou Kind Só om Stres te Hanteer/ {Rebroadcast} How to Teach Your Child to Manage Stress
    As ouers wéét ons hoe moeilik dit kan wees om te sien hoe ons kinders sukkel met spanning – hetsy weens 'n nuwe skooljaar, konflik met vriende, 'n nuwe omgewing, of selfs veranderinge in hul liggame. Dit kan ons magteloos laat voel, maar daar is dinge wat ons kan doen om hulle te ondersteun. In hierdie episode gesels die opvoedkundige profiel-ontleder Charne Lieberberg met Daniëlla en verduidelik hoe kinders se breine stres anders verwerk as volwassenes. Sy deel ook bemagtigende, maklike strategieë wat ouers kan gebruik om hul kinders toe te rus met die vaardighede om angs te oorkom en beheer te neem oor stresvolle situasies. * Kontak Charne by www.samindframe.com of 076 971 8138. As parents, we all know how difficult it can be to watch our children face stress—whether it’s from a new school year, friendships, new environments, or even changes in their bodies. While it may leave us feeling helpless, there are steps we can take to support them. In this episode, educational profile analyst Charne Lieberberg sits down with Daniëlla to break down how children’s brains process stress differently from adults. She also shares powerful, easy-to-follow strategies to help parents equip their children with the skills to overcome anxiety and take control of stressful situations. * You can reach Charne at www.samindframe.com or 076 971 8138. - Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/abbynoise/burst-of-light License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z
  • [Heruitsending] Help, ek word 'n ma!/ [Rebroadcast] Help, I'm a New Mom!
    'n Reddingsboei vir elke nuwe mamma... Om 2025 te vier, deel ek weer die heel eerste episode van ’n Ma & ’n Mikrofoon— ideaal vir diegene wat vanjaar hul ouerskapreis begin. Of jy nou vroeg swanger is, onlangs 'n baba gehad het, of voorberei om amper jou 2025-kleintjie te verwelkom, hierdie episode is vir jou. Daardie onvergeetlike oomblik wanneer jy jou kind vir die eerste keer vashou—hetsy in 'n hospitaal, by die huis of tydens aanneming—is lewensveranderend. In hierdie episode gesels ek met Katinka Lategan, 'n geregistreerde verpleegster en borsvoedkonsultant. Sy het jare se ondervinding en deel raad om daardie vroeë weke te navigeer, met praktiese wenke om jou te help aanpas by jou nuwe identiteit en lewe as 'n ma. To kick off 2025, I’m sharing the very first episode of ‘n Ma & ‘n Mikrofoon—perfect for those starting their parenting journey this year. Whether you’re expecting, recently had a baby, or preparing to welcome your 2025 little one, this episode is for you. That unforgettable moment when you hold your child for the first time—whether in a hospital, at home, or during adoption—is life-changing. In this episode, I chat with Katinka Lategan, a registered nurse and lactation consultant. With years of experience visiting new moms, Katinka shares essential advice for navigating those early weeks, offering practical tips to help you adjust to your new life as a mom. Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/abbynoise/burst-of-light License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z
  • [Heruitsending] Ontmoet Die Ma Wat Kinders in Liefde Laat Sterf/ [Rebroadcast] Meet The Mom Whose 'Children' Will Die Soon
    Byna al Tarryn Bell se kinders gaan binnekort sterf. Tarryn wéét dit - sy't hulle immers gekies. Talle is gered uit haglike omstandighede: weggegooi in bosse, agtergelaat in hospitale, of verwaarloos en mishandel in hulle ouerhuise. Verskillende ongeneeslike siektes is by hulle almal gediagnoseer, wat beteken hulle het net weke of maande oor om te leef. Nou maak Tarryn, haar man en biologiese kinders, en haar span by die Butterfly Palliative Home seker dat dié sterwende kinders in hulle laaste dae die nodige sorg kry - sowel as en liefde, liefde, en nog liefde. Dis nie maklik nie, want dis duur om vir terminale siek kinders te sorg en hulle sukkel elke maand om kop bo water te hou. Daniëlla praat ook met Tarryn oor hoe sy en haar gesin dié gereelde trauma hanteer wanneer 'n kind sterf en wat hulle geleer het van die dood. Dié is 'n gesprek met 'n uitsonderlike ma wat jou nie ongeraak kan laat nie. {{Volg Tarryn en die werk wat hulle doen op Facebook of Instagram by "Butterfly Palliative Home"}} Almost all of Tarryn Bell's children are going to die soon. Tarryn knows this - after all, she chose them. Many of them were rescued from dire circumstances - abandoned in bushes, left behind in hospitals, or neglected and abused in their own homes. Various incurable diseases have been diagnosed in all of them, meaning they have only weeks or months left to live. Now Tarryn, her family, and her team at the Butterfly Palliative Home ensure that these dying children receive the necessary care in their final days - as well as love, love, and more love. It's not easy - because it's expensive to care for terminally ill children, and the Butterfly Home struggles every month to stay afloat. Daniëlla also asks Tarryn how she and her family handle the trauma when a child dies and what they have learned from death. This is a conversation with an exceptional mother that will not leave you untouched. {{Follow Tarryn and the work they do on Facebook or Instagram at "Butterfly Palliative Home"}} Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/abbynoise/burst-of-light License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z
  • [Heruitsending] Word 'n Fikse Ma in 2025/ [Rebroadcast] 2 Steps to Becoming a Fit Mom – Start 2025 Strong!
    Skop die nuwe jaar af met jou eie persoonlike afrigter! In hierdie episode deel fiksheidskenner, "wellness coach" en ma, Michelle van Zyl, haar top oefen- en dieetgeheime met Daniëlla. Michelle weet self hoe moeilik dit kan wees om te begin oefen nadat 'n mens kinders gehad het, en sy het talle vroue al gehelp om hul fiksheidsreis te begin. Ons praat oor: Hoeveel tyd moet ek minstens afstaan aan oefen? En hoe maak ek tyd? Moet ek kalorieë tel om goed te lyk en te voel? Wat is die rol van proteïene in 'n vrou se dieet? Hoe lyk 'n goeie dag se eetplan? Hoe word ek sterk, sonder om manlik te begin lyk? {{Volg Michelle op Facebook of Instagram @fitnwellwithmichelle }} Kick off the New Year with your own personal trainer! In this episode, fitness expert, wellness coach, and mom, Michelle van Zyl, shares her top training and nutrition secrets with Daniëlla. As a mom herself, Michelle knows how tough it can be to start exercising after having kids and has helped countless women begin their fitness journeys. We’ll cover: How much time you really need to train each week (and how to find it!) Whether calorie counting is necessary to feel and look great The role of protein in a woman’s diet and what a healthy meal plan looks like How to get strong without feeling bulky Follow Michelle on Facebook or Instagram @fitnwellwithmichelle Intro Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/abbynoise/burst-of-light License code: I430IW70W4DQLJ9Z

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About 'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon

'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon is 'n podcast wat die wêreld van die moderne Afrikaanse ma weerspieel. Aanbieder Daniëlla van Heerden (self 'n ma van twee) voer openhartige gesprekke met kenners en spesiale gaste. Die fokus is nie net babas en kinders se gesondheid nie, maar ook ma's se emosionele welstand. Hier sal jy saam lag vir daardie oomblikke wat net 'n ma kan verstaan - soos dat vyf minute alleen in die motor soms kan tel as "me-time"! Meer ernstige onderwerpe soos postpartum depressie, tantrums en boelies word egter ook openlik bespreek. Alledaagse én bekende ma's kom kuier ook in die ateljee om hulle stories te deel. 'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon sal jou inspireer, bemagtig en herinner dat jy (ten spyte daarvan dat jy soms twyfel) altyd die beste ma is vir jou kind. 'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon is a podcast that reflects the world of the modern Afrikaans mom. Host Daniëlla van Heerden (herself a mom of two) engages in candid conversations with experts and special guests. The focus extends beyond the health of babies and children to encompass the emotional well-being of mothers. Here, you'll share laughter for those moments only another mom can understand – like how five minutes alone in the car can sometimes count as "me-time"! However, more serious topics such as postpartum depression, tantrums, and bullying are also openly discussed. Everyday and well-known moms alike drop by the studio to share their stories. 'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon will inspire, empower, and remind you that, despite moments of doubt, you are always the best mom for your child.
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'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon: Podcasts in Family

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