The first Patreon minisode of 2025! Sarah explores multi-dog household issues, urban border collies, slow thinking, barking during training, and more!
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Music by AlexGrohl from Pixabay
When Your Dog is Afraid
Ask ten professionals what to do when your dog is afraid and you will undoubtedly get ten different answers. But the true answer is simple–not easy–and involves three steps we can all follow, every single time.
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Music by AlexGrohl from Pixabay
Heal Them, Heal Us: Go Outside
The research is clear: being outside is good for us. And it is good for our dogs, too. When we know this to be true–with or without empirical data–why do we still find it so hard? Are there solutions to this? Is this actually worth doing? Isn’t a quick stroll around the block better than nothing? Vow in 2025 to go outside more with your dog; you will not regret it.
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Music by AlexGrohl from Pixabay
Heal Them, Heal Us: Eat. Drink. Be Merry.
Disordered eating is normalized in our society and it is normalized in our dogs, too. Dogs should want to eat. Their GI should function normally. These are not radical statements, and yet most dogs Sarah sees in her private behavior work have some kind of damaged relationship to food. Dig into why this happens and what we can do about it. Then eat, drink, and be merry yourself on this holiday.
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Music by AlexGrohl from Pixabay
Heal Them, Heal Us: Slow Down
We live in a fast-paced society and therefore, so do our dogs. As a consequence of selective breeding, training, and just plain captivity, our dogs do not access “calm” states well. We all need a little slow school from time to time. So take a deep breath, sit down, and listen to this one.
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Music by AlexGrohl from Pixabay