The Empowered Wife Podcast: Marriage Help with Laura Doyle
Laura Doyle
Whether your marriage is on the brink of divorce or you want more playfulness and passion, The Empowered Wife Podcast with New York Times Bestselling Author Lau...
💔 “I don’t love you anymore.” That’s what Mariana’s husband told her before walking out—to be with another woman. Her world shattered. But instead of begging or giving up, she started a simple but radical habit she calls the 3-3-3. And then? ✨ Her husband came back—for good. ✨ He cherishes only her. ✨ Their home is peaceful, playful, and passionate. Could this work for you? Mariana shares exactly what she did to restore her marriage—and how you can do it too. Download the FREE Adored Wife Roadmap now and start transforming your relationship today! Click here: Here’s what you’ll get: 6 SIMPLE steps to bring back playfulness, passion, and connection to your marriage. The 3 COMMON mistakes wives make when trying to fix things (and how to avoid them!). A clear, actionable plan to create the joyful, loving marriage you deserve. Don’t wait—your playful, passionate marriage is just one click away. Get started now:
276: How to Get Your Husband to Do Chores without Nagging
Feeling stuck doing all the chores—laundry, cooking, bill paying, shopping, childcare—while your husband does nothing? It’s exhausting. And lonely. But what if you could inspire him to want to help—without begging, nagging, or even asking? What if he actually volunteered with a smile and looked for more ways to help you? Sounds impossible, right? I thought so too—until I learned how to activate my husband’s hero gene. Now, my husband does the dishes, makes the bed, runs errands, and takes out the trash and much more—happily! No more nagging. No more resentment. Just feeling so taken care of. In this episode, I’m breaking down the 3 simple things I did and that thousands of women have also been successful with to turn things around so you can try them too! Download the FREE Adored Wife Roadmap now and start transforming your relationship today! Click here: Here’s what you’ll get: 6 SIMPLE steps to bring back playfulness, passion, and connection to your marriage. The 3 COMMON mistakes wives make when trying to fix things (and how to avoid them!). A clear, actionable plan to create the joyful, loving marriage you deserve. Don’t wait—your playful, passionate marriage is just one click away. Get started now:
275: I Resent My Husband for Not Being a Good Provider
You know that moment when your husband does something so unbelievable you just want to scream? That’s exactly how Emma felt when her husband made a risky job change—knowing she didn’t approve. Suddenly, all the pressure of providing fell on her, and she was scared, resentful, and furious. But instead of nagging or lecturing, Emma tried something different: a proven formula that turned everything around. A few surprising phrases (and, yes, a little duct tape for her mouth 😉), and guess what happened? ✨ Her resentment disappeared. 💖 Her trust grew. 🌸 And now, her husband not only provides—he brings her flowers just because. Want to know how she did it? You’re about to find out! Download the FREE Adored Wife Roadmap now and start transforming your relationship today! Click here: Here’s what you’ll get: 6 SIMPLE steps to bring back playfulness, passion, and connection to your marriage. The 3 COMMON mistakes wives make when trying to fix things (and how to avoid them!). A clear, actionable plan to create the joyful, loving marriage you deserve. Don’t wait—your playful, passionate marriage is just one click away. Get started now:
274: How to Make Your Husband Want You Every Day
When my husband didn’t want me, I was devastated. Feeling lonely and rejected every day was heartbreaking. But once I discovered why that was happening—and the surprising shifts that could change everything—my whole marriage transformed. Now, my husband wants me every day. He even looks for ways to take care of me because he wants me to be ridiculously happy. On today’s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, I’m sharing: 7 ways to make your husband want you every day 2 mistakes that could be repelling him without you realizing it Why respect is like oxygen to a man—and how to use it to become magnetic A simple shift that makes him crave time with you and want to be your hero I don’t want any wife to feel the pain I once did, so if you’re ready to feel desired, taken care of, and special don’t miss this episode! 👉 Listen to Episode #274 of The Empowered Wife Podcast now! Download the FREE Adored Wife Roadmap now and start transforming your relationship today! Click here: Here’s what you’ll get: 6 SIMPLE steps to bring back playfulness, passion, and connection to your marriage. The 3 COMMON mistakes wives make when trying to fix things (and how to avoid them!). A clear, actionable plan to create the joyful, loving marriage you deserve. Don’t wait—your playful, passionate marriage is just one click away. Get started now:
273: How I Brought Back the Intimacy in My Marriage
Ever feel like the intimacy in your marriage has completely disappeared? That’s exactly where my guest Janel was. But instead of settling for a cold, disconnected marriage or a broken family, she took some highly unusual steps to bring back the closeness, affection, and passion. And they worked. In this episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, Janel shares exactly what she said and did to reignite the intimacy in her marriage—plus what she still does every day that makes her husband treat her like the queen of his heart. If you’ve ever thought it would take a miracle to bring back the spark, Janel’s story will give you hope, inspiration, and a proven path back to connection. Listen now to discover how you can bring back intimacy and passion. Download the FREE Adored Wife Roadmap now and start transforming your relationship today! Click here: Here’s what you’ll get: 6 SIMPLE steps to bring back playfulness, passion, and connection to your marriage. The 3 COMMON mistakes wives make when trying to fix things (and how to avoid them!). A clear, actionable plan to create the joyful, loving marriage you deserve. Don’t wait—your playful, passionate marriage is just one click away. Get started now:
About The Empowered Wife Podcast: Marriage Help with Laura Doyle
Whether your marriage is on the brink of divorce or you want more playfulness and passion, The Empowered Wife Podcast with New York Times Bestselling Author Laura Doyle will help you have the best possible relationship.
Thousands of listeners credit The Empowered Wife Podcast for saving their marriages. Guests share deeply personal stories of recovering from affairs, addiction, and abandonment by using the 6 Intimacy Skills™.
Listeners rave about the relatable methods Laura shares. A reviewer writes, “This podcast has been a game-changer for my marriage. Laura Doyle’s insights are unmatched, making this the best marriage podcast I've ever listened to."
When you listen, you’re joining a community of women who believe having a great marriage is important. Because it is!
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