Learn Xhosa with UBuntu Bridge founder and adult learner of Xhosa, Craig Makhosi. This is the right podcast to get you started in speaking Xhosa with confidenc...
UBuntu Bridge has been teaching Xhosa since 2006, there are various products, learning services and tools at : https://www.learnxhosaonline.com/store
#ubuntu #learnxhosa #xhosa #xhosalanguage #isiXhosa
1-09 Hello
Hello [9]
saying hello to one person: Molo
saying hello to more then one person: Molweni
Molo/Molweni, although deriving from the Englishand Afrikaans greetings, “Morning and More”, can beused any time of the day or night and is usuallyfollowed by a name or title of the person being greeted,variations of which we will learn later on.
UBuntu Bridge has been teaching Xhosa since 2006, there are various products, learning services and tools at : https://www.learnxhosaonline.com/store
#ubuntu #learnxhosa #xhosa #xhosalanguage #isiXhosa
1-11 Pronunciation
Pronunciation [11]
An important place to start is with pronunciation. Thiswill be learnt and re-learnt as your experience with thelanguage grows. It is important to make an effort fromthe start as we all know how much an accent can affectability to communicate and early habits tend to stick.English is a non-phonetic language, which means thata letter can be pronounced in many different ways ordifferent letter can represent the same sound indifferent words. The following example reveals foursuch ways for A:
Ape Arm Apple Air
Xhosa is a phonetic language. The letters correspondto the sounds consistently, so it is an easy language tolearn to read quickly.
UBuntu Bridge has been teaching Xhosa since 2006, there are various products, learning services and tools at : https://www.learnxhosaonline.com/store
#ubuntu #learnxhosa #xhosa #xhosalanguage #isiXhosa
1-12 Vowels
Vowels [12]
Vowel: pronounced like: as in word for: in Xhosa:A ah mother mamaE egg yourself wenaI igloo well philileO or hello moloU oo-la-la brother ubhuti
UBuntu Bridge has been teaching Xhosa since 2006, there are various products, learning services and tools at : https://www.learnxhosaonline.com/store
#ubuntu #learnxhosa #xhosa #xhosalanguage #isiXhosa
1-13 Consonants
Consonants [13]
Are generally easy and may be learnt as one learns thelanguage. There are a few important exceptions:Ph peanut not phone (alive - phila, well - philile)Th talk not thought (talk - thetha)Hl hlala not shlala (live,sit - hlala) (down - phantsi)TIP: (keep front tip of tongue against palette whilstmaking a sh sound) well/beautifully - kakuhleRh in Gauteng/goud - eRhawutini (as in Afrikaans)AmaRharhabe – One of the main Xhosa proper tribes.
UBuntu Bridge has been teaching Xhosa since 2006, there are various products, learning services and tools at : https://www.learnxhosaonline.com/store
#ubuntu #learnxhosa #xhosa #xhosalanguage #isiXhosa
Learn Xhosa with UBuntu Bridge founder and adult learner of Xhosa, Craig Makhosi. This is the right podcast to get you started in speaking Xhosa with confidence.
Talk along, instructional and enjoyable English to Xhosa audio instructions.
Comes with accompanying PDF/learning manual for optimal learning.
Best to just repeat out loud. More info: www.learnxhosaonline.com
Yonwabele / Enjoy!
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