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Rise above it all, stay elevated, create the infinity; Up you...
How do we heal patterns that feel bigger than us? When it comes to the concept of generational cycle breaking we may believe or hope that it's a simple fix, but sometimes it's more tedious and challenging.
Bird Brain ep. 302 s8: Exhaustion of Self- Growth
Self-improvement is often framed as a constant upward journey, but it can feel like a never-ending battle of “not being enough.” This episode would explore the emotional and mental fatigue that comes from always striving to improve. It would validate the exhaustion people feel when they’re perpetually chasing a “better version” of themselves and offer permission to pause and just be.
Bird Brain ep. 301 s8: Fear-ship or Friendship?
Is it fear-based or fruitful? Sometimes there are elements of control and even abuse that are running the dynamics of your relationships (of all kinds) and it's important to notice what is sustaining the connection.
Bird Brain ep. 300 : The Grass is greener
Guys, we hit 300 episodes today!!! What a time to be alive, to be aware, and to be appreciative of the garden you tend to. In the process of building out our lives we may overlook what the most important components are to ensuring a strong foundation, a sense of self appreciation and recognition. But how? Well, I can share my truth.
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Bird Brain 299 - Mistaken Identity
Who were you this year? Was it you? What did your relationships look like this year? What about your goals, did they align with you, or did you mistake someone else's life for yours this entire time? In the final episode of the year, let's genuinely take a moment to see what was taking place and if our truest selves were present for it.
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Rise above it all, stay elevated, create the infinity; Up your You.The Bird Brain podcast is a fresh take on Mental Health, self awareness, self love, and self reflection delivered in a way that feels more like a conversation with a good friend than a daunting task assigned by a teacher. It's about having a "Bird's eye-view" on very common experiences and using practical tools to shift your mindset to develop a healthier love and appreciation for yourself.Join host Isaiah as he discusses common topics from relationship dynamics to trauma pulling from his own experiences and expertise to deliver a digestible and impactful experience.But there's more...If mental health isn't your thing, there's a horror sub-chapter, the "Night owl" featuring original short horror stories written by Isaiah and narrated by himself and other actors.Not one to miss.Take flight.
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