A podcast for kids and families presented by Samuel Morris, exploring all aspects of conservation. We talk to experts and learn about cool animals and environme...
Episode 5 - Climate Change With Dr. Dorothy Boorse
What is climate change? What causes global warming? And what can kids and families do about it?
In our fifth episode, our host, Samuel Morris talks with Dr. Dorothy Boorse about climate change. Samuel also introduces our next mystery animal sound.
Learn more about Project Drawdown:
Theme music is Cheerful by Muza. Used with permission.
Episode 4 - Pollinators with Dr. Stephen Morris
What are pollinators? What threats do they face and how might those threats impact our food supply? How can kids and families make a difference?
In our fourth episode, our host, Samuel Morris talks with Dr. Stephen Morris, a horticultural scientist who has been a beekeeper for decades. They talk about pollinators, the threats they face, and why local honey is tastier! Samuel also introduces our next mystery animal sound.
Learn more about the varroa destructor:
More about ocean pollinators:
Theme music is Cheerful by Muza. Used with permission.
Episode 3 - De-Extinction with Dr. Andrew Pask
Is de-extinction a real thing? Could science bring back an apex predator marsupial? How could environments change if an apex predator returned to Tasmania?
In our third episode, our host, Samuel Morris talks with Dr. Andrew Pask from the University of Melbourne about de-extinction and introduces our next mystery animal sound.
Learn more about Dr. Pask's work:
More about the northern quoll and cane toads: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-05757-y
Theme music is Cheerful by Muza. Used with permission.
Episode 2 - Invasive Species with Dr. Dorothy Boorse
What are invasive species? How do they impact your community? And what can you do about it?
In our second episode, our host, Samuel Morris introduces the mystery animal sound and talks with Dr. Dorothy Boorse from Gordon College about invasive species.
Theme music is Cheerful by Muza. Used with permission.
Episode 1 - Green Building With Nic Ramirez
What is conservation? Why does it matter to you and your family? And what can you do about it?
In this episode, we meet our host, Samuel Morris and learn about his passion for conservation. Samuel talks with Nicolas Ramirez, Executive Director of the Green Building Council of Costa Rica, about green buildings and what families can do to reduce, *reuse* and recycle.
Links mentioned in the episode:
Green Building Council of Costa Rica: https://gbccr.org/
List of Green Building Councils around the world: https://www.worldgbc.org/member-directory
Theme music is Cheerful by Muza. Used with permission.
A podcast for kids and families presented by Samuel Morris, exploring all aspects of conservation. We talk to experts and learn about cool animals and environments from the deepest ocean to the tallest mountain. The first season includes episodes focused on climate change, keystone species, invasive species, and the commerce of conservation - how you can help your family help the planet!