In these short episodes of 5 to 10 minutes, Chap Bettis reads some of his most popular blog posts for your convenience. You will be equipped for family disciple...
You can listen to my musings on spending money for Valentines Day. As much as you hate it, it might mean the world to your daughter.To read the original post, visit
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Advice to Guys Who Want to Date My Daughter
In this episode, you can hear some exhortation for men to "man up" about the dating process. Helpful for young men and fathers of young men.To read the original post, visit
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Complimentarian Thoughts For My Daughter
In God's infinite wisdom he has designed men and women differently. It his helpful for a dad to help his daughters understand this. This was my attempt as a dad.To read the original post, visit:
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8 Thoughts on Protecting the Purity of Your Daughter
Dads, you have an important role to play in protecting your daughter's purity. In this episode we talk about eight goals to strive for.To read the original post, visit
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Teens and Sexuality
The Christian position that marriage should be between a man and woman is increasingly under attack. Could you explain it to your teen in a logical way? This episode may help.To read the original post, visit
In these short episodes of 5 to 10 minutes, Chap Bettis reads some of his most popular blog posts for your convenience. You will be equipped for family discipleship!
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