How many times have you been told “that will never work”? Probably not as often as Netflix co-founder Marc Randolph. The veteran Silicon Valley entrepreneur, a...
This week’s guest Pat’s business centers on one of the most hyped and controversial investment forms ever – crypto currency. His company The Giving Block is at the forefront of crypto-philanthropy, bringing a new generation of investors together with non-profits.Despite market turbulences this is one hot sector and his team has ballooned from 5 to 100 strong. But the speed of success comes with its own hurdles - how do you sculpt company culture and your hiring strategy when you’re growing at this pace? This is undoubtedly one of Marc’s favorite topics to explore… so listen in for valuable tips on how to approach the growing pains that come with scaling fast. Want a deeper dive into these topics? The paperback edition of Marc’s international best-seller That Will Never Work is out now in bookstores and online: Want to be a guest? Head to While you’re there, sign up for Marc’s newsletter. Feeling social?Tw: @mbrandolphIG: @ThatWillNeverWork LinkedIn: Marc_randolph
#71: Is Pre-Revenue Funding a Pipe Dream?
Many great entrepreneurial ideas were spawned in response to the pandemic. For this week’s guest Kyle it all began with him wondering how he could recreate the in-person feeling of reading bedtime stories to his child in Canada when he was stuck in Texas while the borders were shut. He also worried about how he could stop kids like his from falling behind. His solution is the Edsoma app. So far everyone loves it – Shaquile O’Neill even just joined his advisory board! But he is struggling to translate enthusiastic investor meetings into cash commitments. Is it just because he’s pre-revenue or does he need to dig into other areas?Listen in for an episode packed with actionable tips for jumping those funding meeting hurdles… Want a deeper dive into these topics? The paperback edition of Marc’s international best-seller That Will Never Work is out now in bookstores and online: Want to be a guest? Head to While you’re there, sign up for Marc’s newsletter. Feeling social?Tw: @mbrandolphIG: @ThatWillNeverWork LinkedIn: Marc_randolph
#70: How to Get Your Business Buzzing
Many people dream about their passion project becoming a full time gig but Allison is one of those rare people who made it a reality. Her love for honey bees became the Siller Pollinator Company and the initial momentum was gratifying. But growth has stalled and this has her at a juncture… Can Marc help her find her scalability sweet-spot?Listen in for actionable tips on finding your focus and getting your business buzzing. Want a deeper dive into these topics? The paperback edition of Marc’s international best-seller That Will Never Work is out now in bookstores and online: Want to be a guest? Head to While you’re there, sign up for Marc’s newsletter. Feeling social?Tw: @mbrandolphIG: @ThatWillNeverWork LinkedIn: Marc_randolph
#69: Should You Buy or Lease Your Location?
Have you ever wondered what people do with the advice that Marc gives them on the show?Well, David Silberman, co-founder of PingPod, is here to tell you just that.The first time he and Marc talked, David was trying to strategize the growth of his ping pong venue business and one of the hot topics was whether to buy or lease locations. Now that the company has been in business for a while, find out how things have evolved.. and what has real time data told him about the key rent vs lease debate? Want a deeper dive into the topics discussed in today’s show? The paperback edition of Marc’s international best-seller That Will Never Work is out now in bookstores and online: Want to be a guest? Head to While you’re there, sign up for Marc’s newsletter. Feeling social?Tw: @mbrandolphIG: @ThatWillNeverWork LinkedIn: Marc_randolph
#68: The Premium Product Conundrum
How earth friendly are the so-called “earth friendly” products? In the opinion of this week’s guest Justine Potashnik - not very.But she believes she has the answer in her Advanced Soapberry Formula, derived from Himalayan tree nuts.A product like this has a higher cost to create than its competitors, which has her at a juncture - should the company take a lower margin to get onto shelves faster or focus on being premium? Listen in for Marc’s tips on how to make the pivotal decisions in your product sales strategy when entering a crowded market. Want a deeper dive into the topics discussed in today’s show? The paperback edition of Marc’s international best-seller That Will Never Work is out now in bookstores and online: Want to be a guest? Head to While you’re there, sign up for Marc’s newsletter. Feeling social?Tw: @mbrandolphIG: @ThatWillNeverWork LinkedIn: Marc_randolph
How many times have you been told “that will never work”? Probably not as often as Netflix co-founder Marc Randolph. The veteran Silicon Valley entrepreneur, advisor, investor, speaker and best-selling author has founded or co-founded half-a-dozen successful startups and mentored scores of entrepreneurs from first time business owners to established CEOs. Be a fly on the boardroom wall as Marc's podcast opens up the opportunity to entrepreneurs everywhere to gain the benefit of his years of experience as he helps each guest think through their business problem.These lively conversations, which showcase Marc’s unique combination of analytical skills, tough love and a healthy dose of humor, provide actionable advice that will benefit founders - and would-be founders - at every stage of their business journey. New episodes every Tuesday.Want to be a guest on That Will Never Work? Head to (, fill out the form and record the question you’d like Marc’s help with right there on the site. And while you’re there sign up for Marc’s newsletter social? Marc would love to hear from you here:Twitter: @mbrandolphInstagram: @ThatWillNeverWork LinkedIn: Marcrandolph Tiktok: @marc_randolph