"Inside the Growing Mind" is a podcast that connects listeners with experts in student support from Westminster, an independent Christian K-12 day school for bo...
Episode 4: Happiness with Cindy Trask and Dione Davis
Head of Upper School Cindy Trask and Learning Strategist Dione Davis give you an inside peek into the "Happiness" class they taught during JanTerm and share a few takeaways to help you rewire your brain toward increased happiness.
Episode 3: Test-Taking Anxiety and How to Cope
Learning strategist Cat Monroe and counselor Saundria Zomalt talk about exams: why they're stressful, how and why to "reframe" that stress, and a few tips for tackling some of the most common sources of test-taking anxiety.
Episode 2: Daily Habits
Episode 2 of "Inside the Growing Mind" is all about your family's daily routines and how they can help your children handle their emotions and approach the school day ready to learn. Alisha Williamson and Dr. Toi Curry talk about why habits are such a big deal and share a few tips for creating family routines.
Episode 1: Your Family Mission
In Episode 1 of "Inside the Growing Mind," Westminster's President Keith Evans and Director of Student Support Dr. Anna Moore talk about bringing your family's goals into focus. We also spend a few minutes discussing what Student Support is and why it's important.
"Inside the Growing Mind" is a podcast that connects listeners with experts in student support from Westminster, an independent Christian K-12 day school for boys and girls in Atlanta, Georgia.
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