This is a podcast about Unity3D development. Not just developing games, but also business apps, simulations and other applications you can use unity for. Heck w...
Hi there my fellow gamedevs and welcome to the 16th episode of the All Things Unity Podcast.
In this episode we will check out chapter 4 of The Pragmatic Programmer called Pragmatic Paranoia. We dive into numerous interesting topics like the concept of designing by contract, assertive programming, when to use exceptions and balancing your resources.
Leave me a review or send me some comments if you like. You can also contact me at [email protected].
And remember; With Unity, we can do great things.
Episode 15, The Pragmatic Programmer Part 5
Hi there my fellow gamedevs and welcome to the 15th episode of the All Things Unity Podcast.
In this episode we will continue where we left of last time, and that’s right in the middle of chapter three. We just started talking about debugging and the best is yet to come. In this episode we will also discuss the remaining sections of this chapter. These are Text Manipulation and Code Generators.
In this episode I mention;
My shameless plug to a little library I wrote called SjwagMeister. It’s in early development and far from perfect but it shows the basics. I see some potential in this tool to become one of my basic tools in Unity3D. You can learn more about it here:
I hope you enjoyed chapter 3 of The Pragmatic Programmer. Next time we will continue with chapter 4.
Leave me a review or send me some comments if you like. You can also contact me at [email protected].
And remember; With Unity, we can do great things.
Episode 14, The Pragmatic Programmer Part4
Hi there my fellow gamedevs and welcome to the 14th episode of the All Things Unity Podcast.
This time we are going to check out chapter three of The Pragmatic Programmer written by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas. Chapter three is all about the “Basic” tools. We are going to dive into the power of plain text as this is what really drives our industry. Furthermore, we discuss why learning a console interface is a good idea and why it is really important to invent time in really making an IDE your home. You need to know the hotkeys in your tools to really be productive.
Of course our tooling is not complete without source code control. David and Andrew spent some time talking about this too. And last, we will start with the section about debugging. So there’s a lot to cover in here :D.
In this episode I mention numerous things;
The “Git from the Bottom Up” blog I mentioned. Its truly a fascinating read if you are interested in knowing more. It’s also written in a friendly understandable way.
Next I mention a talk by Dylan Beattie about plain text. ( It think in the podcast I mention Ian Cooper, whoops)
I also mention the Continuous Delivery book by Dave Farley:
I hope you enjoyed the first part of chapter 3 of The Pragmatic Programmer. Next time we will continue where we left off.
Leave me a review or send me some comments if you like. You can also contact me at [email protected].
And remember; With Unity, we can do great things.
Episode 13, The Pragmatic Programmer Part 3
Hi there my fellow gamedevs and welcome to the 13th episode of the All Things Unity Podcast.
We are going to continue our deep dive into The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas. Last time we covered up to the first half of chapter 2 and today we are going to discuss the remainder of the chapter. We will cover the topics of Reversibility, Tracer Bullets, Domain Languages and Estimation. Really interesting stuff!
In this episode I mention numerous things;
First of all I mentioned this meta-programming language called Rascal. You can check it out here: I also mention how we used certain code visualizations like CodeCity
While talking about DOTS and ECS I also mentioned this video on YouTube. You can check that one out here:
And at the very end of the episode I mentioned Uncle Bob’s PERT (it’s not really his) technique for estimation. More information about PERT can be found here:
Or you can check out Uncle Bob’s talk:
I hope you enjoyed chapter 2 of The Pragmatic Programmer. Next time we will continue with chapter 3.
Leave me a review or send me some comments if you like. You can also contact me at [email protected].
And remember; With Unity, we can do great things.
Episode 12, The Pragmatic Programmer Part 2
Hi there my fellow gamedevs and welcome to the 12th episode of the All Things Unity Podcast. We are going to continue our discussion about The Pragmatic Programmer. We are discussing this as an alternative to Clean Code and A Philosophy of Software Design.
Today we will continue with chapter 2, A pragmatic approach. And in this episode I mention Dave Farley’s book, Modern Software Engineering, again which you can check out here:
In the next episode we will continue with chapter 2 and check out the later sections of this chapter.
I hope you enjoyed this episode and learned something.
Leave me a review or send me some comments if you like. You can also contact me at [email protected].
And remember; With Unity, we can do great things.
This is a podcast about Unity3D development. Not just developing games, but also business apps, simulations and other applications you can use unity for. Heck we might even loose ourselves in the metaverse. We are going to dive into best practices, popular design patterns and game architectures. Software development methodologies and processes. And of course game design and everything that revolves around it.
The aim is to be an entry level platform while still diving deep into the trenches of game development every now and then. And, of course, in the end having fun and producing valuable content for everyone involved!