In HBO's new medical drama, The Pitt, Noah Wyle is back in scrubs as Dr. Michael “Robby” Rabinavitch, leading a chaotic 15-hour shift in a Pittsburgh trauma hospital—one jam-packed hour at a time. With an ensemble of interns, nurses, and execs, this show brings old-school intensity into the 2020s. In this podcast, we unpack the over-the-top injuries, the reviews, and inevitable ER comparisons. Tune in for our verdict, comparisons, favorite/least favorite moments. You're listening to Today's Episode!
Join us as we tackle FOX’s newest hospital series, Doc. Molly Parker (House of Cards, Lost in Space) stars as Dr. Amy Larsen, a super smart and sarcastic Chief of Internal Medicine in Minneapolis who loses eight years of memories after a car accident. Adapted from the hit Italian show Doc – Nelle tue mani and also based on a real person, this pilot explores the fallout of Amy’s fractured mind—both personally and professionally—as she struggles to rebuild her life. Tune in to hear our breakdown of the plot, our rating, trivia, and comparisons to see if Doc can stand out among TV’s overcrowded medical wards. Welcome to Today's Episode!
Going Dutch (PILOT)
For our first comedy review of the year, we're taking a close look at Going Dutch, the brand-new FOX sitcom from Brockmire creator Joel Church-Cooper. The show stars Denis Leary as Colonel Patrick Quinn, a hotheaded and egotistical officer who’s exiled to a military base in the Netherlands. We discuss cast, comparisons, tropes, trivia, reception and more. Tune in for our thoughts and rating of the pilot. Welcome to Today's Episode!
Missing You (PILOT)
We kick off 2025 with Missing You, Netflix's latest Harlan Coben adaptation. In the pilot, British detective Kat Donovan juggles three mysteries: a missing professor, unresolved questions about her father’s death, and the sudden reappearance of her ex-fiancé.We break down the tangled web of plotlines, highlight some unexpected changes from the book, and discuss whether this series sticks to Coben’s usual playbook. Welcome to Today's Episode!
Dexter: Original Sin (S01E01-03)
The dark passenger is back—sort of. On Today’s Episode, we discuss Showtime’s reboot-prequel-sequel hybrid starring Michael C. Hall (as narrator only). With its first three episodes—And in the Beginning, Kid in a Candy Store, and Miami Vice, this series revisits Dexter Morgan’s formative years in Miami during the early 1990s.We’ll break down the show’s connection to Dexter and Dexter:New Blood, the casting decisions, comparisons, trivia, and how the show incorporates nods to Dexter lore. Tune in and enjoy!