real change happens over years, not months. be patient, find things that feel easy for you to do. the more momentum you can build in your life, the more evidence you'll have that you're doing something right.
stop holding your future hostage
you don't have to know your life path, A to Z. all that matters is that you're actively putting yourself in a place to learn and be a better person. Focus on you, focus on learning things in your life right now. there's a good chance your future self will thank you
there’s nothing wrong with choosing you
there's a healthy balance between making choices for yourself and keeping others in mind. sometimes, you have to take the reigns yourself.
the truth about situationships
listen to how you feel. don't let yourself be gaslit into thinking things are fine when they are not. it's a good sign it's not for you.
this is why you never end up changing
lower the threshold, don't expect so much out of yourself. focus on building momentum over trying to impress others. people who are as smart as you have figured it out, why can't it be you?
sending you love and peaaaaaace!