Type 2 Diabetes sucks. Especially when it's a struggle, and it's running (and ruining) your life. Dr. Sarah Townley, The Type 2 Diabetes Coach, created this pod...
What You Can Do To Increase Insulin Sensitivity Today
Send us a textIn this episode, I present revelatory insights about where insulin resistance starts in the human body in a way that I have never described before.This is the power of understanding root cause. When we address a problem at the root cause level, we get powerful results. I don't want to spill the beans right here--I want you to listen with no preconceived expectation of what I am going to say.Let your curiosity lead the way! Let's get into it.Work with Sarah
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How To Make Health A Habit
Send us a textYour health is the sum total of your daily habits. It's those boring, repetitive decisions that compound to create the overall state of your health (and everything else truly). You know your bad habits that cost you what you really want - a future free from chronic disease and limitations. You know the things you need to be doing consistently to feel better and heal your body.So how do you break bad habits and replace them with good ones?That is the topic of today's discussion, and one that is based on my personal experience with myself and my clients doing exactly this to hardwire success into our brains!Let's dive in!Work with Sarah
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Why You Aren't Losing Weight
Send us a textLosing body fat is part of the healing process of reversing type 2 diabetes, and is a helpful way to gauge progress over time. It can also be one of the most stubborn and frustrating parts of the journey of reversing type 2 diabetes. The mind game of dealing with the scale is it's own challenge.So many people write to me and ask me this question: "Why can't I lose weight?!" The frustration and hopelessness is real.By now, having lost significant amounts of body fat 8 different times in my life (I've had 7 babies), I'm somewhat of a weight loss ninja. In this episode, I use an inquiry from a listener to help us gain insight into the strategies that go beyond a ketogenic diet for weight loss. I give you knowledge that is immediately actionable to help you move the needle now. Let's dive in!Work With Sarah
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How To Get Off Your Diabetes Medications
Send us a textYou are out there reversing your diabetes using the most powerful lifestyle strategies I teach here on this podcast, and you're wondering, "When do I call my doctor to see if I can stop my diabetes medications?"This podcast episode breaks down why you might want to do this, how to know when it's time, and what to do to make it happen. As a clinical pharmacist and diabetes reversal coach, I cover all the juicy details so that you know what you need to know to liberate yourself from a lifetime of taking meds.Work With Sarah
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Could You Have The Wrong Diagnosis?
Send us a textStudies show up to 10% of people who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes actually have LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults).And I seem to attract these people into my coaching practice! Today, I am sharing with you how to recognize the signs of LADA, and why treating it as Type 2 diabetes is the wrong approach.If you have been doing everything right, and it still isn't reversing your diabetes, please listen in to see if you could be fighting the wrong disease.Work with Sarah
Type 2 Diabetes sucks. Especially when it's a struggle, and it's running (and ruining) your life. Dr. Sarah Townley, The Type 2 Diabetes Coach, created this podcast to inspire and empower people with Type 2 Diabetes to heal their bodies by addressing the root cause. This means working WITH your body instead of fighting with it. It also means cultivating a mindset that solves quitting, self-sabotage, and overeating. Type 2 Diabetes can be controlled and even reversed with lifestyle alone. This podcast answers all the questions you didn't get answered in the doctor's office so that you can stop depending on other people to feel better. You can feel better right now.