The Balanced Family podcast is a heartfelt talk about building a family in a polarized, stressed-out world. Ben and Jessica Lagrone, former teachers and parents...
The crunchy lifestyle is big, and as you’ll learn in this two-part series, it’s also big business. What are the benefits and drawbacks parents face when they try to live a more natural, holistic lifestyle? When does the desire to make healthier choices crossover into obsession? In this series, you’ll learn just how crunchy the Lagrones are and how they balance health with convenience.This series is inspired by the book, Really Very Crunchy: A Beginner's Guide to Removing Toxins from Your Life without Adding Them to Your Personality by Emily Morrow.Text us your thoughts Support the showWATCH our podcast: Bestselling Childbirth Course: Good Dads Who Want to Be GREAT: dadclass.netGet Your Baby (& yourself) More Sleep:, Blog, & Free Stuff:
05 Anxious Parents Raising Anxious Kids
Anxiety in children and teens is on the rise. But get this: it’s also on the rise in parents as well. Are the two related? What if parents and kids are in a cycle of worry that’s just feeding off each other? Or what if we’re all talking about anxiety too much and we’re all just anxious about feeling anxious? In this episode, Ben and Jessica share their stories about anxiety, reflect on our fast-changing society, and talk about building a joyful home.Text us your thoughts Support the showWATCH our podcast: Bestselling Childbirth Course: Good Dads Who Want to Be GREAT: dadclass.netGet Your Baby (& yourself) More Sleep:, Blog, & Free Stuff:
04 Gentle Parenting: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Gentle parenting is a parenting style that emphasizes empathy, respect, and connection with children. Social media is full of influencers and “experts” explaining how to use loving and proactive techniques with kids rather than harsh or reactive ones. Sounds great, right? Well, the problem is that many promises of this movement don’t pan out or provide the balance children need. As Ben and Jessica find today, there are many respectable consequences from this movement but also some devastating ones that have emerged over time.Text us your thoughts Support the showWATCH our podcast: Bestselling Childbirth Course: Good Dads Who Want to Be GREAT: dadclass.netGet Your Baby (& yourself) More Sleep:, Blog, & Free Stuff:
03 Mom Shaming, Formula Feeding, and the “High Stakes” Decisions that Really Don't Matter
The Lagrones have a wild story for you, today. It’s about the circumstances surrounding their lives when they had their third baby and why raising her looked differently than their other kids. On the surface, you might think this is about formula versus breastmilk. But that is FAR from what this episode is about. It’s about knowing when to endure but also knowing when to quit. It’s about making decisions as a united couple and shutting out the noises in your lives. Most importantly, it’s about finding peace in chaos. MEN: don’t think this is episode is just for women. If you want to learn to love your wife better, you need to understand her world (as Ben attempts to today). And this is a just a small glimpse into it. Welcome to the world of MOM SHAME.Text us your thoughts Support the showWATCH our podcast: Bestselling Childbirth Course: Good Dads Who Want to Be GREAT: dadclass.netGet Your Baby (& yourself) More Sleep:, Blog, & Free Stuff:
02 The 30 Days That Saved Our Marriage
TAKE THE CHALLENGE: Share this episode with your spouse and be sure you both listen to it. Then, commit to the challenge we share in the episode for AT LEAST 14 days (30 days = even better). Email us at ([email protected]) and share how it’s impacted your marriage. We’ll select one lucky couple’s story to read aloud in a future episode and gift them a $100 “date night gift card”! More about this episode:They say opposites attract, but that wasn’t the case when Ben and Jessica began dating. They were both stubborn, opinionated, and relentlessly passionate. Even as they got married and started a family, it felt like every discussion turned into “intense fellowship” or needless criticism of one another. This constant friction put their marriage on a path towards constant cynicism and disappointment, even if their covenant remained strong. Everything changed when Ben had an idea for a 30-day challenge. Today, you’ll hear their individual versions of the story. While they still can’t agree on when this story took place (hilariously), they both agree it was massively transformative on a personal level and changed the trajectory of their marriage forever. Text us your thoughts Support the showWATCH our podcast: Bestselling Childbirth Course: Good Dads Who Want to Be GREAT: dadclass.netGet Your Baby (& yourself) More Sleep:, Blog, & Free Stuff:
The Balanced Family podcast is a heartfelt talk about building a family in a polarized, stressed-out world. Ben and Jessica Lagrone, former teachers and parents of three, share their experiences and insights in a way that's relatable, entertaining, and inspiring. They're all about being intentional and talking about the stuff that matters. It’s the perfect blend of deep yet down-to-earth - like sitting down with good friends you can laugh with but also talk about the important things. Pull up a seat and listen in as they try to find more balance in their marriage, parenting, and perspectives.