Tired mama? I’m here to help - I’m Erin Junker, pediatric sleep consultant and owner of The Happy Sleep Company. With a Masters Degree in Health Communications,...
Drowsy But Awake: What Does That Even Mean and Why It Doesn’t Work
Today we are talking about the term, "Drowsy but Awake" — and more specifically what this even means when we say this. We also discuss why you would do this, when we would recommend doing it, when we do not recommend it, why it often doesn't work and what does work instead!In this episode we've partnered with Obasan Click HERE to save - We want your kids sleeping great! Use code HAPPYSLEEP at checkout and receive 10% off when you purchase a crib mattress–head to obasan.com / obasan.ca and get great sleep started!**NOTE: be sure to shop obasan.com or obasan.ca pending your country locationErin Junker | Paediatric Sleep ConsultantInstagram @thehappysleepcompanyWebsite www.thehappysleepcompany.com
Q&A: Contact Napping, Early Wakes, Getting Longer Naps and more!
Answering this weeks Top 5 Questions! This week's questions highlight the following: — Tips to get newborn to go from contact napping to sleeping in their bassinet— 5 month old struggles to make it to a 2 hour wake window, showing signs of tiredness at 1.5 hours. Thoughts?— When sleep training, if baby wakes up from a nap crying, should we go get her up right away or wait?— My almost 9 month old is having early wakes. Her wake windows right now are 2.5 to the first nap, then three hours to nap 2 and bedtime. It’s often a stretch to get even to 6pm for bedtime though because her day starts so early! Help!— 6 month old always wakes after half an hour then needs multiple soothings from me before finally settling. How can I get her napping longer?Erin Junker | Paediatric Sleep ConsultantInstagram @thehappysleepcompanyWebsite www.thehappysleepcompany.com
Nutrition, Exercise, Stress Management and Sleep with Dr. Valerie Hertzog
As parents it can be so easy to put the things that are best for you at the bottom of the to-do list! Today's episode we have Dr. Valerie Hertzog — A Medical Doctor & Wellness Coach who helps busy stressed out women reclaim control of their health. In this episode, we discuss the areas of nutrition, exercise, stress management and sleep as parents! FOLLOW @dr.valerie.hertzogVISIT valeriehertzog.comLink to Free Health Assessment HEREErin Junker | Paediatric Sleep ConsultantInstagram @thehappysleepcompanyWebsite www.thehappysleepcompany.com
Standing in the Crib: How to Manage it for Sleep and Safety
The milestone that can be a pain the butt for a lot of parents — standing in the crib! You maybe thinking, "Why is that a big deal?" or maybe you're in the thick of it and know how much of a challenge this can be! Now... Understanding that this it is exciting, new and fun for your little one to discover that they can stand, and stand in their crib! In this episode we talk about when this might start to happen, what to do when it becomes problematic and how to manage it for sleep and safety! Erin Junker | Paediatric Sleep ConsultantInstagram @thehappysleepcompanyWebsite www.thehappysleepcompany.com
Q&A: Falling Asleep in the Car... Now When Is The Next Nap?
Answering this weeks Top 5 Questions! This week's questions highlight the following: — Is it normal that my 5 month old has never gone longer than 3 hour stretches of sleep in the night?— What’s the total nap time for both naps for a 10 month old— What’s a good sample schedule for a 13 month old?— If my 7 month old falls asleep for 20-30 minutes in the car, when do I offer his next nap?— My 6 month old is waking 2-3 times per night and only goes to sleep while feeding. Should I let her cry it out?In this episode we've partnered with Obasan Click HERE to save - We want your kids sleeping great! Use code HAPPYSLEEP at checkout and receive 10% off when you purchase a crib mattress–head to obasan.com / obasan.ca and get great sleep started!**NOTE: be sure to shop obasan.com or obasan.ca pending your country locationErin Junker | Paediatric Sleep ConsultantInstagram @thehappysleepcompanyWebsite www.thehappysleepcompany.com
About Sleep Cues: The Everything Parenting Podcast
Tired mama? I’m here to help - I’m Erin Junker, pediatric sleep consultant and owner of The Happy Sleep Company. With a Masters Degree in Health Communications, experience helping more than 1000 families gain healthy rest for their children and eight years raising my own happy little sleeper I’m in this with you!I am passionate about children's sleep, I firmly believe that a well rested family is a happier healthier family. In each episode of this podcast, we'll guide you through some of the biggest challenges we see parents facing when it comes to their babies and older children's sleep. And share effective tools, tips, advice and strategies for getting sleep on track. Let’s get your family some great sleep!
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