EP182 Minisode: Finding your zone of genius
In today’s episode, Colleen unpacks the hidden ways we keep ourselves stuck—whether it’s staying in a comfort zone that no longer serves us, running on autopilot, or avoiding the call to expand into something greater. She explores the four zones we operate from (incompetence, competence, excellence, and genius) and how staying in the wrong one can quietly drain your energy and fulfillment. Plus, she shares the one simple question you can ask yourself daily to shift into a life that feels more open, creative, and aligned. Key Takeaways: The Four Zones That Keep You Stuck Zone of Incompetence – The things you struggle with and really shouldn’t be doing. Spending time here out of fear or scarcity (like trying to fix your own tech issues instead of outsourcing) wastes time and energy. Zone of Competence – You can do these tasks, but so can others. Overloading yourself here leads to burnout because you’re not fully using your gifts. Zone of Excellence – The place where you thrive and others rely on you, but it keeps you comfortable and prevents you from stepping into the next level of growth. Zone of Genius – Where you feel expansive, creative, and most aligned. This is where fulfillment lives—but getting there requires releasing old patterns and allowing yourself to grow. The Emotional Test: Contraction vs. Expansion Every action, habit, or decision either expands your heart (makes you feel alive, curious, and in flow) or contracts it (makes you feel stuck, drained, or small). Noticing this difference in real-time helps you shift away from habits that keep you playing small—like overworking, people-pleasing, or numbing with alcohol. When the feeling of over-drinking meets redundancy So many high-achievers stay stuck in the zone of competence or excellence, which leads to boredom and frustration. When we feel unfulfilled, we reach for something to take the edge off—like drinking. Of course. The "probably" real solution?? STOP IGNORING THE PART OF YOU THAT WANTS MORE FOR YOURSELF. Actionable Steps: Check In: When you feel the overwhelming pressure from the opposite side of the mirror, ask yourself: Am I in a state of expansion or contraction? Expansion = openness, curiosity, creativity. Contraction = stress, avoidance, overthinking, numbing. Drop It Like It’s Hot: If something feels like contraction (overthinking, unnecessary busyness, perfectionism), drop it as fast as possible. Give yourself permission to delegate, simplify, or step away from things that drain you. Prioritize What Actually Moves You Forward: Identify what actions truly create change in your life. Stop wasting energy in areas that don’t serve your highest potential. Make Space for Your Zone of Genius: Spend more time doing what makes you feel the most engaged and fulfilled. Trust that stepping into this space will naturally lessen your urge to numb, overwork, or self-sabotage. Homework: Start a daily practice of asking yourself: ~Does this expand me or contract me? Make a list of things you need to let go of so you can step into more freedom, creativity, and alignment. ~Then, discard by a method of your choice. 👉 If you’re ready to make this shift but need support, schedule a discovery call today! Click here to BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL. If you’re ready to fully commit to your personal growth and do the work to get emotionally sober (side effects include an 80 percent reduction in drinking),You'll walk away from our call with a clear understanding of how to get the skills you need to transform your life. Do you want help from Colleen with a situation you’re struggling with? Click here to submit your question for Colleen’s NEW Q& A episodes. Your name will not be mentioned on air! —Want daily updates from me? Find me on TikTok @hangoverwhisperer and IG @thehangoverwhisperer —Click here to TAKE THE QUIZ: Do you have a drinking problem or a thinking problem?