Join us as we review and rank the heroes and villains of the Americans West! A lighthearted, not-so serous history podcast using the Rex Factor Formula!
Teenage Black Elk has lived a full life by the time he witnessed Little Big Horn and became a healer but there is so much left. We discuss Sioux religious cerimonies, Wounded Knee and a somewhat decisive book Black Elk dictates in the 1930s.
The Sacred Pipe by Joseph Epes Brown
Black Elk Speaks by John G Neidhart
Black Elk by Joe Jackson
Nicholas Black Elk: Medicine Man, Missionary, Mystic by Michael F. Steltenkamp
33.1 Black Elk
Youve heard the vision but do you know the context? Black Elk lives through the most turbulent era in the Midwest with famous first cousin Crazy Horse and lives to see Harry Truman become President.
The Sacred Pipe by Joseph Epes Brown
Black Elk Speaks by John G Neidhart
Black Elk by Joe Jackson
Nicholas Black Elk: Medicine Man, Missionary, Mystic by Michael F. Steltenkamp
Bonus! Black Elk’s Vision
In the first of 3 episodes we treat you all with the soothing sound of Matt reading the vision that would guide Black Elk throughout his life.
to read alone click here!
32. Pearl Hart
Stay clear, she's feisty! Pearl Hart (Lily Davy) is a woman who demanded attention when she was alive. How well does she rank?
We are thrilled to announce that we
have been invited to @intelligentspeechconf on November 4th, 2023! Intelligent Speech brings you an online conference that connects diverse and independent content creators with their audiences.
Use the Promo Code: Rank to get 10% off your tickets!
Wildcat: The Untold Story of Pearl Hart by John Boessenecker
Recap 21-30 (well 31)
We get back from our hiatus by recapping the previous 10 (well 11) episodes, answer some emails we got while we were on break and let you know some exciting breaking news! For more information on Intelligent Speech see the link below and remember to use the Promo code "Rank" to get 10% off your ticket!
Join us as we review and rank the heroes and villains of the Americans West! A lighthearted, not-so serous history podcast using the Rex Factor Formula!