Welcome to my weekly Parsha class. This class is given live every Thursday morning and explores an element of the Parsha. New episode every Thursday given via z...
Parsha Shiur Vaera 2025
Acher wept and died, Rabbi Meir rejoiced and said: ‘It seems my Rebbe had passed in a state of Teshuva.
Pharoah seems desperate to avoid a conversation with Moshe Rabbeinu.
Hashem hardened Pharoah’s heart, yet He did not really remove Pharoah’s power to choose.
Dream Big or Die Hard
Parsha Shiur Shemos 2025
Moshe and Aaron communicate Hashem’s words to Pharaoh: ‘Let My People Go.’ Pharaoh insists that the Jews continue to produce the same quota of bricks as ‘yesterday and the day before’ despite them not being provided with straw. Pharaoh cries: ‘Let them work harder… and let them not regard lying words.’
What is the meaning of Pharaoh’s reaction?
The Baal Haturim draws a fascinating parallel between the way the Egyptians treated the Jews and the way the Jews treated Ruth.
Shemos Perek 5 Pesukim 1 - 9
Baal Haturim on Possuk 8
Midrash Rabba Shemos Parsha 1 Perek 28 and Parsha 5 Perek 18
Gemara Bava Basra Daf 91 A and B
A Raging Fire
Parsha Shiur Vayechi 2025
Rochel stole her father's Teraphim. Yaakov did not know that Rochel stole them, Yaakov cursed the one with whom lava would find the Teraphim. Lava never found them. Yet, Rochel and Yaakov's lives were cut short.
Stockholm Syndrome
Parsha Shiur Vayigash 2025
Rav Nachman's daughters have supernatural abilities? His colleagues wonder if they are practicing sorcery, or Holy righteous women.
Yaakov makes unexpected stop on the way to Egypt. By doing so, he is putting his own life in danger, but the Torah provides no explanation for this transit.
The 'middle bar' of the Mishkan, came from a tree planted by Avrohom Avinu. For, when Avrohom plants a tree, the unity of Gd and all of existence is revealed.
Gemara Gittin 45 A
Bereishis Passahs Vayigash Perek 45 and 46 Possuk 1
Midrash Rabba Parsha 94 Perek 4
Likkutei Sichos volume 15 pages 387 - 390
Shemos Perek 25 Possuk 5, commentery of Rashi
Likkutei Sichos volume 31 Pages 142 - 148
Celebrating Humiliation and Shame?
Parsha Shiur Miketz 2024
Yosef learns that his grandfather Yitzchok has passed. He has a very emotional reaction. Yitzchok's death reveals his super powers and all of his descendants inherit his qualities.
Gemara Megilla 15 A
Parshas Miketz Perek 43 Pessukim 26 - 31
Medrash Rabba Parsha 92 Perek 5
Commentary of Baal naturism on Possuk 31
Gemara Megilla 14 A
Parshas Toldos Perek 26 Possuk 2
Commentary of Rashi
Commentary of B'er Basoddeh on Rashi
Rambam Maacholos Asuros Chapter 5 Halacha 14
Welcome to my weekly Parsha class. This class is given live every Thursday morning and explores an element of the Parsha. New episode every Thursday given via zoom for Congregation Shaarei Tefila in Los Angeles.