Marriage Unhindered is a sincere exploration of the joys and challenges within the realm of marriage. Hosted by the seasoned Doug Hinderer, this one-hour, calle...
Doug reads a letter by Alice Von Hildebrand from her book By Love Refined. In this letter, Alice gives advice on deepening friendships. Doug also unpacks things you should know if you decide to go to marriage therapy. He discusses the importance of gratitude and how it helps keep the focus on the positive. RESOURCES: By Love Refined Marriage Unhindered Happy Marriage for Life Catholic Therapists
The value of positive affirmation
Doug is joined by Monica Hinderer to continue their discussion about the damage criticism does to children: They share how damaging negative self-talk can be in raising children and the value of positive affirmation to combat the negativity. Doug and Monica tackle listener questions and comments on the following: · Doug goes to the mailbag and gives advice to a listener struggling with enmeshment and the impact it has during the holidays. · My kindergartner talked about kissing a girl in his class. We thought it wasn't serious but the day he tried to kiss me; it was really weird. What should I do? · Struggling in disciplining stepdaughters. · I wish my daughter in law would behave a certain way. How should I approach her directly? Resources: Marriage Unhindered
The Power of Retrouvaille
Pete and Carol Tomaselli join Doug to share their experience of healing through Retrouvaille, a marriage help program for struggling couples. They share the origins of Retrouvaille, and discuss the life changing conversions couples have through the Sacraments on Retrouvaille weekends. Resource mentioned: Retrouvaille Website:
Hurt feelings and the negativity bias
What do you do when your spouse hurts your feelings? Doug unpacks a letter by Alice Von Hildebrand from her book: By Love Refined. In this letter, Alice addresses a young bride who is feeling hurt by something her spouse said. Doug discusses the negativity bias and how to overcome this through prayer, and good communication. Doug gives advice to a listener who is struggling amidst her spouse’s battle with depression. He speaks of the importance of redemptive suffering and how it can be crucial in helping to get you and your spouse to heaven. Resources: Marriage Unhindered By Love Refined: Letters to a Young Bride
14 tips for a lasting marriage
Doug unpacks 14 nonnegotiable rules for a lasting marriage. He discusses the importance of respecting boundaries, talking through difficulties, forgiving, embracing differences, and practicing patience. Listener questions: · My husband and I got divorced but we never got an annulment. My husband has been remarried and I'm wondering if I'm sinning by not getting an annulment? · The man I am dating wants to go back to school. How should this factor into my discernment of our dating? Resources: Marriage Unhindered Happy Marriage for Life Catholic Therapists
Marriage Unhindered is a sincere exploration of the joys and challenges within the realm of marriage. Hosted by the seasoned Doug Hinderer, this one-hour, caller-based show is scheduled to air every Saturday from 11am – 12pm CT, and will offer listeners an authentic journey into the complexities of marital relationships.