A church for those who love the word of God, Verse By Verse Fellowship is dedicated to the exposition of the full counsel of God's word. Join us weekly as we te...
What do you do when you're waiting on God? In this Lesson, Pastor Tony unpacks Acts 1:12-26 to show you how the early disciples handled the time between Jesus' ascension and Pentecost.For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
“Spirit or Self-Effort?” - Galatians 5:13-26
Law vs. Grace: Which one defines your Christian walk? Many of us fall into the trap of trying to please God through our own self-effort, unknowingly living under the law. In this lesson, we will dive into what it means to walk by the Spirit.For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
Footnotes from Acts 1:1-11
The Book of Acts is full of exciting moments, and this week Tony and Adam are exploring chapter 1 verses 1-11 where Jesus commands the disciples to wait for the coming Holy Spirit.For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
"Clarifying the Mission" - Acts 1:1-11
In Acts 1:1-11, Jesus clarifies the mission for his disciples, and it's still our mission today! This Lesson dives into Acts 1:1-11, revealing God's promise of Holy Spirit power, God's mission of worldwide witness, and God's assurance of Jesus's return.For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
Footnotes from Acts: Intro
Join Adam Castellano and Pastor Tony Caffee as they begin their sermon series on the Book of Acts. They discuss the unique nature of Acts as a narrative book, different from the wisdom literature of Proverbs, and explore why they're diving into Acts now.For the study resources and manuscript go to VBVF.ORG
A church for those who love the word of God, Verse By Verse Fellowship is dedicated to the exposition of the full counsel of God's word. Join us weekly as we teach verse by verse through entire books of the bible. https://vbvf.org