@Grower4life_ and I chat about his full conversion to living soil, using KIS Organics soil. Plus he is using our Microbe and Plant food program. I originally met Grower4life back in 2015 as far as I know he is one of the longer running raised beds soil cultivators I had the pressure of meeting. Grower4life would like to dedicating this episode to his amazing wife @_theganjaprincess_ Please give them both a follow and also check out their website www.grower4life.com
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Season 2 Episode #3 The Microbe Man! David Olson
The Microbe Man!!
David Olson speaks on several mind-blowing topics. Maximum biological diversity. Adding beneficial nematodes
to microbe builder liquid soil Inoculate. New products- Bloom Essentials powder fertilizer including seven different micro nutriments, powdered FF seed coat fungal and mycorrhizae dominant seed coating. Yield studies and germination rates, 17% more seeds emerged in the first 24 hours. Adding light, sounds and electromagnetic spectrum to microbe population building. Corium sensing (VOCs)
volatile organic compounds. A microbe language!!!
Using DNA Meta genomics for
quality control. looking at beneficial functions of microbe populations.
The importance of available
metabolites, nutrients that are broken down by biology- amino acids basic
building blocks for soil.
Chasing the waxy green Leaf’s
Healthiest plants and leaves possible! Turning on gene sequence we have never
seen before.
Happy Growing!
Thank you for listening friends.
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Season 2 Episode 2 Matt Barnes Easy as Organics
Growing living soil cannabis in Australia, It's a slightly different game down under. To satisfy their patient needs the AU is currently importing medical cannabis from several counties. AU also plans to become a large exporter of cannabis to the world markets. What is the quickest path forward to award winning cannabis. We chat about Matt's success on converting a large producer to living soil in our custom beds.
IG page https://www.instagram.com/easyasorganics/?hl=en
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Season Two Episode #1 Sustainable Village Michael & Izzy
Power of the Curls!! Featuring Michael Box and Izzy Becker.
From Sustainable Village.
Talking static moisture levels and dry back control. Cycling moisture levels within the moisture release curve graph. Not reaching the wilting level of dry backs. Tensiometers vs other probes. How hard does your plant work getting water? Oxygen level in soil. Vacuum levels in soil. Optimum target ranges for soil moisture levels. From top to bottom, consistent moisture levels. What to put your raised bed on.
Izzy Becker @highaltitudeharvests & @busy_izzy
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Episode#20 IPM with Saul Alba from Beneficial Insectary Inc.
Saul and I chat about his current IPM strategies, bug problems, Living soil systems and implication of these strategies on all levels home growing to commercial cannabis. good bugs and bad buds how and when to monitor or scout for bugs. what tools should you use for major problems.
best way to contact Saul Alba [email protected]