Stephen Grant & Raya Hubbell - your Cycling Podcast hosts
The cycling podcast for people who like cycling and/or have a sense of humour. Less race-obsessed testosterone and more social, kit, fun, news and irreverent ch...
Show 88 - Farewell Parts, Resolutions, and 3 Kilos
Woooah, so... where have they been? Well, due to the lag between recordings and publishing, you'll have to wait until show 91 (ninety one!) to find out, but in this episode Stephen and Raya autopsy the 2nd lockdown and how the cycling world has gone nuts. And bolts. And stems, cogs, pins, derailleurs... they've all gone. It's the great parts shortage and we're only a few weeks from fist fighting in the aisles of Evans Cycles for a brake cable. We review the New Year's Resolutions we have made (in hope more than expectation) and we hit you with a surefire way to lose 3kilos. No joke - it's the best way to improve your climbing, acceleration and braking. This is why Raya is a top UK coach. Also: This is why nobody takes us seriously. You'll have to listen to find out. Come for the giggles, stay for the pro-tips. The Cyclist Pod (c) Stephen Grant and Raya Hubbell sponsored by dhb Voices by Marcella Vincent / Produced by Stephen Grant and Jimmy Ward Music 'Zazie' c/o Kevin MacLeod ( / Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License /
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Show 87 - Infrared, Jealousy and Apologies
It's been a while, hasn't it? Which is why, like a grocery delivery driver who's beyond apologetic for missing the last week's package, we're turning up absolutely full to the brim of podcast goodness. So in one of our busiest and most jam-packed episodes, well, ever, we cover, in no particular order; Raya's new watch (yeah that Wahoo jobby, she got it before ANYONE, the jammy b*tch), needles (listen to find out), axles (also listen), and we put our tail between our legs and apologise for what can only be described as our most complained about innaccuracy ever discussed. Oh God we're sorry. Can you please stop complaining now? But our main topic today - and it's a GEEK-OUT of Herculean propotions; is talking to Tim Brownstone, Athlete and Biochemist and CEO and inventor of the Kymira smart textiles collections. That's right, smart clothing. I don't mean a pocket to put your phone in with a little hole to put the charging cable through, I mean, actually clothing that makes you recover faster by making your body work differently. Witchcraft? Sounds it. But listen. It's genuinely beyond fascinating. It's a busy show. Want to know how busy it is? We ran out of time for the Velominati. RAN OUT OF TIME! Frank will be devestated. The Cyclist Pod (c) Stephen Grant and Raya Hubbell sponsored by dhb Voices by Marcella Vincent / Produced by Stephen Grant and Jimmy Ward Music 'Zazie' c/o Kevin MacLeod ( / Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License /
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Show 86 - Dog Pics, Fog Trips, Dutch lips and a Deathwish
Don't let the show length fool you. Stephen and Raya are covering all subjects cycling, purist and tenuously related to the world of two wheels. Socially distanced as per usual; some of the subjects covered include cycling in fog, breaking spokes mid-ride, how our podcast strategy is ruled by dog pictures, and Raya's deathwish. Got cycling Christmas presents? We'll tell if you the're good or not. Are we the self-appointed authority? Yes. Do we have any reason for this? No. Stop questioning us, we're doing our best. Velominati wise it's all about the thrills of hills and pils. No, that's not a typo. It's a pun. Listen on. Certificiation-wise, we're a South American "15", so themes of a sexual nature are normalised but blasphemy will result in you being ran out of town. The Cyclist Pod (c) Stephen Grant and Raya Hubbell sponsored by dhb Voices by Marcella Vincent / Produced by Stephen Grant and Jimmy Ward Music 'Zazie' c/o Kevin MacLeod ( / Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License /
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Show 85 - Velockdown
The Cyclist Pod are coronabored. As we imagine you are too, so we're aiming to be the antidote. If not the vaccine. Stephen and Raya are socially distanced as ever - and attempt some public service broadcasting to help explain what you can actually do cycling-wise during a lockdown. It's light and shade an equal measures in this pod, as we get to have an amazing chat with the incredible renowned athlete Claire Danson whose survival and reboot from a spectacularly horrific cycling accident is a lesson in positivity and courage. Velominati wise - we hit a big one - and come out of it with the only word anyone needs in 2020: Twatwaffle. Oh yeah, certificate 18, yada yada yada The Cyclist Pod (c) Stephen Grant and Raya Hubbell sponsored by dhb Voices by Marcella Vincent / Produced by Stephen Grant and Jimmy Ward Music 'Zazie' c/o Kevin MacLeod ( / Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License /
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Show 84 - Look, it's Me or the Bike
Love is in the air! Or the bin. The Cyclist Pod is back and Stephen discovers his love of the bicycle has been cited in his divorce. Yes, genuinely. Cycle clothing when not cycling. We answered this 2 years ago. Nothing like an update. Have our views changed? Is it Acceptable or excessive? Speaking of which... the Velominati's back and things are going downhill pretty quickly. Which is the idea. On top of all this, the kitbag is back in force. We're geeking out on new fabric technology and also, diving into the new dhb winter range. Is this a big advert? No, we've bought it with our own actual money. It's genuinely that good. Ample compensation for a binned relationship based on a bike obsession, don't you agree? The Cyclist Pod (c) Stephen Grant and Raya Hubbell sponsored by dhb Voices by Marcella Vincent / Produced by Stephen Grant and Jimmy Ward Music 'Zazie' c/o Kevin MacLeod ( / Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License /
The cycling podcast for people who like cycling and/or have a sense of humour. Less race-obsessed testosterone and more social, kit, fun, news and irreverent chat. If you prefer a latte to pralmorelin dihydrochloride, you're in the right place! Featuring regular articles, interviews, and links to the best cycling content on social media. With hosts: triathlete @rayahubbell and comedian @stephencgrant. Sponsored by dhb