Sustainability Bites in association with Nestlé Professional
Footprint Media Group
Sustainability Symposium is a new series of podcasts featuring panel discussions between industry experts that focus on some of the key sustainability issues an...
As part of Nestlé Professional’s ‘Choose Hospitality Pledge’ we’re delighted to release the latest in the series of Sustainability Bites podcasts - Hospitality & Foodservice: The Future Of Talent. In line with the Choose Hospitality Pledge’s objectives we hosted an enlightening panel discussion addressing young people’s negative perception of the sector and how we encourage more young people into the sector. The podcast examines the sector’s challenges, opportunities and what the strategic priorities in recruitment and talent acquisition should be. The panel analyses the UK regulatory environment, and we take a close look at key trends as well as short and long term solutions to one of the sector’s greatest challenges. Chaired by Footprint's Nick Hughes, our panel for the podcast is as follows..Amanda McDade, National Head of Careers & Education, SpringboardJulia Jones, Head of Sustainability & Corporate Communications, Nestlé Professional UK&IMartin McDonald, Apprenticeships Lead, Sodexo UK&ISteven Edwards, Chef/Owner, Etch
Packaging: materials & substitution in association with Nestlé Professional
Plastic reduction remains a key priority for out of home businesses as they seek to achieve their climate and nature goals. This in turn has created huge interest in alternative packaging materials such as paper as well as novel materials like seaweed, but are businesses making the right choices when switching out of plastic?This podcast Packaging: materials & substitution in association with Nestlé Professional, explores the current strategic priorities of businesses where packaging sustainability is concerned and considers questions including:What alternative materials to plastic are getting the most traction in an out of home setting and why?On what criteria are businesses assessing the use case for alternatives to plastics?How are companies measuring and reporting the sustainability credentials of different materials and how can they guard against accusations of greenwashing?How is the UK regulatory environment influencing business’s choice of packaging materials?On the green sofa for this podcast are a number of protagonists in the packaging field who, whilst approaching the issue from differing perspectives, all have an eye to the future making for a fascinating discussion.James Marsh - Senior Packaging Specialist, Nestlé UKMartin Kersh - Executive Director, Foodservice Packaging AssociationJustin Turquet - Director of Sustainability, Bunzl Catering & HospitalityDavid Burrows - Associate Editor, Footprint
Sustainability Bites in association with Nestlé Professional. Episode 3 - Packaging: materials and substitution
Sustainability Bites, in association with Nestle Professional, is a podcast which unpicks the key sustainability issues affecting the hospitality and foodservice sector. In this episode we explore the current strategic priorities of businesses where packaging sustainability is concerned and consider questions including:What alternative materials to plastic are getting the most traction in an out of home setting and why?On what criteria are businesses assessing the use case for alternatives to plastics?How are companies measuring and reporting the sustainability credentials of different materials and how can they guard against accusations of greenwashing?How is the UK regulatory environment influencing business’s choice of packaging materials?
Sustainability Bites in association with Nestlé Professional – Episode 2: Packaging & Waste
Sustainability Bites, in association with Nestle Professional, is a podcast which unpicks the key sustainability issues affecting the hospitality and foodservice sector. This episode focuses on the hot topic of waste.But this is not just another podcast on waste. With waste making up around 3% ofHaFS businesses footprints, we ask - is waste really a strategic priority? And if so, why?How can we overhaul our industry’s existing piecemeal approach to tacking waste todrive transformational change? And we will paint a picture of a waste-free future thatcan be achieved using the technology available to us today.We will talk to Nestlé Professional, Sodexo and WRAP to discuss their achievementsin tackling packaging and food waste, as well as innovations in wider industry, suchas innovative new eco-options that can be recycled within existing infrastructure (e.g.sea-weed based options), and reusables, such as those trialled by McDonalds or theuser-friendly reuse models being rolled out at venues and festivals.Food waste has risen up the agenda because its significant carbon impact makesreducing food waste vital to achieving net zero targets. Our panellists will shareinsights of how organisations such as Nestlé and Sodexo are harnessing food savingto achieve carbon and cost reductions.Sokhna Gueye - Head of Packaging, Nestlé UK&ISophie Whitfield - Head of Corporate Responsibility Engagement, Sodexo UK&IEleanor Morris - Sector Specialist, WRAPAmy Fetzer - Footprint, Chair
Cost of Living Crisis: Foodservice & Hospitality
The cost of living crisis is often talked about in the context of individuals and families. However, little light is shed on its effects on the hospitality sector in general; let alone discerning its impacts between the cost and profit elements. Despite the vaguest hint of respite in the inflation rates, the rising cost of goods and energy is having a profound impact on foodservice and hospitality. Whether it’s the disappearance of lunch trade, owners rebranding their restaurants to accommodate change in consumer behaviour, branch closures, re-thinking supply chains in operations or adapting to new offerings in B&I or education, the crisis is impacting the whole sector. There are calls for a cost of living package to pull hospitality back from the brink. There are small mercies such as extended trading hours for the Coronation and then, of course, there is the perpetual resilience of the industry adapting to crisis after crisis. But is this enough? Is enough support available? How much can an industry take…Brexit, Covid and now Cost of Living. What next? The objective of this podcast is to delve into the ramifications of this latest challenge and examine the different impact the crisis is having respectively on both the cost and profit sectors. Also, to discuss how business has responded and what can be learnt from this adaptability. The focus is to look at the here and now but also into the future with a degree of positivity towards a less troublesome time. Tune in to the podcast to hear the fascinating debate with:Nick Attfield - Director of Hospitality & Retail, AdnamsMorag Freathy - Managing Director B&I, Compass GroupNaz Haq - Head of Corporate Procurement, BidfoodKatya Simmons - Managing Director, Nestlé ProfessionalAmy Fetzer - Footprint, Chair
About Sustainability Bites in association with Nestlé Professional
Sustainability Symposium is a new series of podcasts featuring panel discussions between industry experts that focus on some of the key sustainability issues and topics that confront the out of home food and drink sector today.
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