Join Clancy and his pals, Peter and Sophia, on a dazzling adventure in the Rainbow Surfers Podcast! When Clancy stumbles upon a magical portal, they ride a radi...
When Chroma’s army marches Rowen and the kids into the center of Reddington. The Anathema rescues them. Chroma reveals his true identity.
If you want even more Rainbow Surfers adventures, be sure to pick up the "Becoming A Rainbow Surfer" storybook! Head over to this Barnes and Noble link ( to pick up your copy of the Rainbow Surfers book today!
S1E9: Color of War
The kids have returned home to discover impending war in the real world is growing as much as it’s growing in the innerworld. Meanwhile, Chroma has completed his army with his first mission to find Rowen and capture him.
If you want even more Rainbow Surfers adventures, be sure to pick up the "Becoming A Rainbow Surfer" storybook! Head over to this Barnes and Noble link ( to pick up your copy of the Rainbow Surfers book today!
S1E8: How to Talk to Monsters
Peter communicates with the beast and the anathema frees the kids from the cage. The kids surf the rainbow back to their world to strategize on how they are going to defeat Chroma.
If you want even more Rainbow Surfers adventures, be sure to pick up the "Becoming A Rainbow Surfer" storybook! Head over to this Barnes and Noble link ( to pick up your copy of the Rainbow Surfers book today!
S1E7: Orange You Glad...
Orange Sector is on the verge of nearly losing of its color, Clancy puts on a disguise and sneaks into the Orange Sector to fix the G.L.E.A.M. He reunites with Sophia and Peter along the way but they are captured by Chroma.
If you want even more Rainbow Surfers adventures, be sure to pick up the "Becoming A Rainbow Surfer" storybook! Head over to this Barnes and Noble link ( to pick up your copy of the Rainbow Surfers book today!
S1E6: Separate Paths
Clancy repairs the Yellowsburg’s G.L.E.A.M. machine, and returns to the Red Sector with Rowen. Meanwhile, Sophia and Peter run into Chroma who warns them that Lumino City is about to break out into war.
If you want even more Rainbow Surfers adventures, be sure to pick up the "Becoming A Rainbow Surfer" storybook! Head over to this Barnes and Noble link ( to pick up your copy of the Rainbow Surfers book today!
Join Clancy and his pals, Peter and Sophia, on a dazzling adventure in the Rainbow Surfers Podcast! When Clancy stumbles upon a magical portal, they ride a radiant rainbow straight into Lumino City—a land bursting with light, color, and mysteries waiting to be uncovered. Perfect for kids with big imaginations and parents looking for wholesome, fun-filled tales. Hop on the rainbow and let's light up the world of Lumino City together!
If you want even more Rainbow Surfers adventures, be sure to pick up the "Becoming A Rainbow Surfer" storybook! Head over to this Barnes and Noble link ( to pick up your copy of the Rainbow Surfers book today!