Ever wondered what the tallest tree is? The deadliest sea creature? Here on irrelephant bracts we are bringing you all the weird and wonderful of the plant and ...
Quick, silent and lethal, the animals and plant we discuss this week know how to kill discreetly. These creatures have to use special weapons to protect themselves from predators and fight to survive in the ruthless natural world. Deadly dose is all about some of the most interesting poisons in nature and the animals that wield them.
We hope that you enjoyed this topic and episode, please leave us a comment down below answering the question of the week.
The question of the week this week is: Name a highly poisonous house plant with a glossy leaf.
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Ep. 3 - The Groot Bois: Largest Plants and Animals
Tall, big and strong: this week we are taking on the giants of the world. Deep within our oceans and high above the rest, these plants and animals are simply immense in size and far beyond comprehension.
The question of the week this week is: What is the world's largest crustacean.
Thanks for listening and catch you next week!
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Ep. 2 - Why We Love South Africa
From the white sand beaches to the safari night drives, South Africa is a wonder of nature. This episode, we tell about some of the wonderful and interesting things that you can find in our home country.
All pictures for this episode were taken by James and Anna
Contact us:
Email: [email protected]
Instagram and tiktok: @irrelephantbracts
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Ep. 1 - A Homage: Elephants and Bracts
On this episode of Irrelephant Bracts we pay homage to our name and talk about elephants and interesting bracts.
Let us know what you think of this episode by emailing up at [email protected] or connecting with us on tiktok or instragram @irrelephant bracts.
All images from this episode can be found on our instagram.
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Trailer: We are Irrelephant Bracts
Welcome to Irrelephant Bracts!
We are James and Anna and we love nature. We hope you come along for the ride.
Ever wondered what the tallest tree is? The deadliest sea creature? Here on irrelephant bracts we are bringing you all the weird and wonderful of the plant and animal kingdoms. We are James and Anna, a zoologist and a biochemist from South Africa. We have a passion for the natural world and want to share out interest and knowledge with the hope that you will learn to love it just as much as we do.