LAUNCHING THURSDAY, 23RD JAN, '25 - Welcome to the NCMI Podcast, where we ask leaders around the world that partner with NCMI in-depth questions around leadersh...
#1 Creativity in the Local Church; Thinking Differently About Deacons and Church Plant Support (with Jonno and Erin Warmington)
Interviewing Jonno and Erin Warmington (Cornerstone Church, Johannesburg South Africa) about creativity in the local church, thinking differently about the role of deacons, supporting church plants in a different way, and using your job as a way to do that.
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(Old podcast archives) Bivocational Ministry - Werner Badenhorst - Church Planters Training 2023
Werner Badenhorst speaks about planting and leading a church while also working a full-time job in the marketplace.
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(Old podcast archives) Greg Mattarelli - Children's Ministry - Church Planters Training 2023
Greg Mattarelli speaks about the importance of children's ministry in a local church.
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(Old podcast archives) Testimony: Leading Through Adversity - Mark Wimble - Church Planters Training 2023
Mark Wimble shares his story of learning to lead through very difficult times.
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(Old podcast archives) Leading Together as Husband and Wife Pt 2 - Marcus & Adele Herbert - Church Planters Training 2023
Marcus and Adele Herbert speak about how to work and lead together as a married couple.
LAUNCHING THURSDAY, 23RD JAN, '25 - Welcome to the NCMI Podcast, where we ask leaders around the world that partner with NCMI in-depth questions around leadership and theology, and find out how they further the work of the Kingdom through their local church in their context.
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