Your HQ for book tangents hosted by two millennial moms with questionable intelligence.
Covering Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros starting January 29th with TWO e...
Riddles, Ridoc & The Never Ending Butchering of Words - Onyx Storm Ch. 16 - 20
Two millennial idiot best friends that can't stop yapping about books and unhinged theories. Welcome back fellow riders, to the conflict in the Kingdoms of Navarre and Poromiel before we head off to the Isles. Nowhere is safe anymore with enemies closing in within their walls. A storm is coming and not everyone can survive its wrath. Take the journey and dive deep with us into Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros, we run through the haps with an overview of characters before we really get into it. What's the haps recap 4:58Chapter 16 8:48Chapter 17 15:51Chapter 18 27:13Chapter 19 47:44Chapter 20 54:22**Reminder, this episode contains spoilers for Onyx Storm**Please follow and share with your book bestie friends and then come say hi:Instagram @therealhousewivesofvelarisTikTok @realhousewivesofvelarisIntro:Valley of Drakes / Dragon Tamer / courtesy of Epidemic Sound
We Are Onto You Garrick Tavis - Onyx Storm Ch. 11 - 15
Welcome back fellow riders, to the conflict in the Kingdoms of Navarre and Poromiel. Nowhere is safe anymore with enemies closing in within their walls. A storm is coming and not everyone can survive its wrath. Take the journey and dive deep with us into Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros, we run through the haps with an overview of characters before we really get into it.Tangent #1 4:16Blakelys Theophany correction & updateWhat's the haps recap 10:05Tangent #2 13:05Expanding on some venin thoughtsChapter 11 19:13Chapter 12 36:52Chapter 13 57:04Chapter 14 1:08:58Chapter 15 1:17:01Special announcement of our NEXT series after Onyx Storm!**Reminder, this episode contains spoilers for Onyx Storm****Spoilers to the Harry Potter series**Please follow and share with your book bestie friends!Come say hi:Instagram @therealhousewivesofvelarisTikTok @realhousewivesofvelarisIntro:Valley of Drakes / Dragon Tamer / courtesy ofEpidemic Sound
Our Signet Must Be Manifesting Theories - Onyx Storm Ch. 6 - 10
Two millennial idiot best friends that can't stop yapping about books and unhinged theories.
Welcome back fellow riders, to the conflict in the Kingdoms of Navarre and Poromiel. Nowhere is safe anymore with enemies closing in within their walls. A storm is coming and not everyone can survive its wrath. Take the journey and dive deep with us into Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros, we run through the haps with an overview of characters before we really get into it.
Chapter 6 12:51
Chapter 7 34:55
Chapter 8 51:27
Chapter 9 1:02:32
Chapter 10 1:11:25
**Reminder, this episode contains spoilers for Onyx Storm**
**Mentions and references to A Court of Thorns and Roses and Throne of Glass series**
Please follow and share with your book bestie friends!
Come say hi:
Instagram @therealhousewivesofvelarisTikTok @realhousewivesofvelaris
Two millennial idiot best friends that can't stop yapping about books and unhinged theories.
Welcome back fellow riders, to the conflict in the Kingdoms of Navarre and Poromiel. Nowhere is safe anymore with enemies closing in within their walls. A storm is coming and not everyone can survive its wrath. Take the journey with us-
Before we dive deep into Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros, we run through the haps with an overview of characters before we really get into it.
Prologue 19:46
Chapter 1 25:48
Chapter 2 34:28
Chapter 3 55:29
Chapter 4 1:14:55
Chapter 5 1:29:54
**Reminder, this episode contains spoilers for Onyx Storm**
Please follow and share with your book bestie friends!
Come say hi:
Instagram @therealhousewivesofvelaris
We Say Goodbye To Iron Flame - Iron Flame Ch. 51-66
Two millennial idiot best friends that can't stop yapping about books and unhinged theories.
Welcome back fellow riders, to Basgiath War College. Don’t have time to read Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros? This is the final episode of our crash course recap before we weather the storm. If you are anything like us, we can't stop and won't stop talking about this series.
Chapter 51 3:09
Chapter 52 7:07
Chapter 53 18:15
Chapter 54 24:45
Chapter 55 31:26
Chapter 56 37:36
Chapter 57 43:08
Chapter 58 51:39
Chapter 59 55:53
Chapter 60 59:30
Chapter 61 1:08:37
Chapter 62 1:10:50
Chapter 63 1:18:04
Chapter 64 1:23:18
Chapter 65 1:31:20
Chapter 66 1:33:22
**Reminder, this episode contains spoilers for Iron Flame**
Refrences to A Court of Thrones and Roses (ACOTAR) characters as well as the Throne of Glass (TOG) series.
Please follow and share with your book bestie friends!
Come say hi:
Instagram @therealhousewivesofvelaris
Your HQ for book tangents hosted by two millennial moms with questionable intelligence.
Covering Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros starting January 29th with TWO episodes! New episodes out every Wednesday.
Take deep dives with us into our favorite books as we analyze, theorize and break down as much as can all while telling terrible jokes.
Start with us at the beginning - we have covered Fourth Wing and Iron Flame in their entirety.