Join professional Private Investigator Mackenzie Fultz and Comedian Hanna Anderson each week as they delve deep into the stories of the liars, cheaters, and con...
In the final installment of this jaw-dropping two part episode we delve into the wild and heartbreaking story of a listener who thought she’d found her king only to discover he was the ultimate con artist. Kylie's husband, a world-champion Elvis impersonator, built a seemingly perfect life with her, only to shatter it with a double life involving countless affairs, deceit, stolen money, and more.From the tiki bar where they met to the shocking revelations that left her life in ruins, this story delves into the seedy underworld of the Elvis impersonator performance circuit. But this isn't just about one man’s betrayal—it's about resilience, uncovering the truth, and warning others about the dangers of "perfect" partners who hide their true selves. This one will leave you saying, "You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog."Click here to join our Patreon! For only $5 a month you will get 2 extra episodes a month, monthly virtual live events, and access to our community page!If you've been dogfished and want to share your story on the show, email [email protected] or contact us through our website using this link***The following Program contains names, places and events that have been anonymized or fictionalized for the purposes of protection and safety. The following Program is provided for entertainment purposes only and any commentary from the hosts are strictly conjecture and should not be held as making any definitive statements about the truth or identity of any particular individuals or circumstances.If you or a loved one are involved in an abusive relationship, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 for support.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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A Hunk a Hunk of Burning Lies: Part 1
In the first installment of this jaw-dropping two part episode we delve into the wild and heartbreaking story of a listener who thought she’d found her king only to discover he was the ultimate con artist. Kylie's husband, a world-champion Elvis impersonator, built a seemingly perfect life with her, only to shatter it with a double life involving countless affairs, deceit, stolen money, and more.
From the tiki bar where they met to the shocking revelations that left her life in ruins, this story delves into the seedy underworld of the Elvis impersonator performance circuit. But this isn't just about one man’s betrayal—it's about resilience, uncovering the truth, and warning others about the dangers of "perfect" partners who hide their true selves. This one will leave you saying, "You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog."
Click here to join our Patreon! For only $5 a month you will get 2 extra episodes a month, monthly virtual live events, and access to our community page!
If you've been dogfished and want to share your story on the show, email [email protected] or contact us through our website using this link
***The following Program contains names, places and events that have been anonymized or fictionalized for the purposes of protection and safety. The following Program is provided for entertainment purposes only and any commentary from the hosts are strictly conjecture and should not be held as making any definitive statements about the truth or identity of any particular individuals or circumstances.
If you or a loved one are involved in an abusive relationship, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 for support.
See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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The Prophecy: Part 2
In this shocking conclusion of a two-part series, Mackenzie and Hanna continue listening to Jubilee's story, whose journey takes listeners through the dangerous intersection of cult beliefs, prophetic manipulation, and emotional abuse.
Jubilee begins by recounting her entry into the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, a religious community known for its belief in miracles and prophetic visions. Amid the indoctrination, she meets Ted, a charismatic fellow member whose grand romantic gestures and shared faith quickly draw her in.
Their whirlwind romance takes a dramatic turn when a public prophecy declares Jubilee as "God’s gift" to Ted, cementing the belief that their union is divinely ordained, but everything is not what it seems.
Click here to join our Patreon! For only $5 a month you will get 2 extra episodes a month, monthly virtual live events, and access to our community page!
If you've been dogfished and want to share your story on the show, email [email protected] or contact us through our website using this link
This episode is sponsored by Miracle Made. Get your incredible, temperature maintaining, silver infused sheets for 40% off, PLUS a free three piece towel set, by going to and using code TDD at checkout.
This episode of The Dating Detectives is sponsored by DeleteMe. Get 20% off your DeleteMe plan when you go to join and use promo code TDD at checkout!
This episode of The Dating Detectives is sponsored by BetterHelp. Visit today to get 10% off your first month.
This episode of The Dating Detectives is sponsored by Quince. For free shipping on your order visit
***The following Program contains names, places and events that have been anonymized or fictionalized for the purposes of protection and safety. The following Program is provided for entertainment purposes only and any commentary from the hosts are strictly conjecture and should not be held as making any definitive statements about the truth or identity of any particular individuals or circumstances.
If you or a loved one are involved in an abusive relationship, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 for support.
See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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The Prophecy: Part 1
In this chilling first installment of a two-part series, Mackenzie and Hanna welcome Jubilee, whose journey takes listeners through the dangerous intersection of cult beliefs, prophetic manipulation, and emotional abuse.Â
Jubilee begins by recounting her entry into the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, a religious community known for its belief in miracles and prophetic visions. Amid the indoctrination, she meets Ted, a charismatic fellow member whose grand romantic gestures and shared faith quickly draw her in.
Their whirlwind romance takes a dramatic turn when a public prophecy declares Jubilee as "God’s gift" to Ted, cementing the belief that their union is divinely ordained, but everything is not what it seems.
Click here to join our Patreon! For only $5 a month you will get 2 extra episodes a month, monthly virtual live events, and access to our community page!
If you've been dogfished and want to share your story on the show, email [email protected] or contact us through our website using this link
Earn points by paying rent right now when you go to join
This episode is sponsored by Uncommon Goods. To get 15% off your next gift, go to
This episode is sponsored by Miracle Made. Get your incredible, temperature maintaining, silver infused sheets for 40% off, PLUS a free three piece towel set, by going to and using code TDD at checkout.
***The following Program contains names, places and events that have been anonymized or fictionalized for the purposes of protection and safety. The following Program is provided for entertainment purposes only and any commentary from the hosts are strictly conjecture and should not be held as making any definitive statements about the truth or identity of any particular individuals or circumstances.
If you or a loved one are involved in an abusive relationship, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 for support.
See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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Alexis suspected her husband was cheating on her, but she needed cold hard proof before she was willing to upend her and her children's lives, so she called a PI, and then she became the "PI".
Click here to join our Patreon! For only $5 a month you will get 2 extra episodes a month, monthly virtual live events, and access to our community page!
If you've been dogfished and want to share your story on the show, email [email protected] or contact us through our website using this link
This episode of The Dating Detectives is sponsored by Dipsea. For listeners of the show, Dipsea is offering an extended 30 day free trial when you go to TDD
This episode of The Dating Detectives is sponsored by DeleteMe. Get 20% off your DeleteMe plan when you go to join and use promo code TDD at checkout!
Earn points by paying rent right now when you go to join
***The following Program contains names, places and events that have been anonymized or fictionalized for the purposes of protection and safety. The following Program is provided for entertainment purposes only and any commentary from the hosts are strictly conjecture and should not be held as making any definitive statements about the truth or identity of any particular individuals or circumstances.
If you or a loved one are involved in an abusive relationship, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 for support.
See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Join professional Private Investigator Mackenzie Fultz and Comedian Hanna Anderson each week as they delve deep into the stories of the liars, cheaters, and con-men who have left a trail of broken hearts and shattered trust in the dating world. We'll uncover the lies, scams and manipulations of these con artists, as we shine a light on the red flags to look out for in the wild west of the dating apps.