A professional football player X, recounts his journey of self-discovery and sexual exploration both on and off the field, in this first-person narrative. FRUIT...
From Issa Rae, creator of Insecure on HBO, FRUIT tells the story of X as he figures out his sexuality in the alpha male world of professional football. Contains Explicit Content, Listener Discretion Advised. Hear all of Season 1 starting Monday July 17th!
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1. 1st & 10
X joins his friend Siya, a junior sports agent, on a rare night out. While out, he has an encounter, that will affect his life and the game. Contains Explicit Content. Listener Discretion Advised. To hear Season 2 of this series, sign up for Stitcher Premium and use promo code X for a free trial.
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2. Hitch
Tired of sitting on the bench, X decides to explore switching teams. In the process, he must address his relationship with Siya. Contains Explicit Content. Listener Discretion Advised. To hear Season 2 of this series, sign up for Stitcher Premium and use promo code X for a free trial.
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3. Fantasy Football
After much hesitation about which direction to take, X decides to finally make a move. Contains Explicit Content. Listener Discretion Advised. To hear Season 2 of this series, sign up for Stitcher Premium and use promo code X for a free trial.
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4. Breaking the Huddle
X must break down his personal walls before he takes a step forward with Gerard. Contains Explicit Content. Listener Discretion Advised. To hear Season 2 of this series, sign up for Stitcher Premium and use promo code X for a free trial.
A professional football player X, recounts his journey of self-discovery and sexual exploration both on and off the field, in this first-person narrative. FRUIT chronicles X's relationship with his friends, teammates and family as they impose their own perceptions of his role in an alpha-male dominated industry of professional sports. Amidst questioning for a larger league-related scandal, X must ultimately decide how he wants his story to be told, for himself, and for others like him.