a book club, like oprah’s if oprah were two suburban guys from new jersey, or reese witherspoon’s if reese were two suburban guys from new jersey, except withou...
our second-person module kicks off with interior chinatown by charles yu, which gives us literary whiplash both in terms of difficulty and perspective. we talk about the type of racism that charles yu captures in the book (and the type we “expected” to find), the way he takes down hollywood in the novel (and the similar representations we’ve seen on tv), and the strengths of the novel (as well as its limitations). we briefly discuss the limited series on hulu (which was a surprise to both of us) and what “chinatown” usually signifies in stories like this. shreds makes a request to make the book longer.
reading list for season thirteen
interior chinatown by charles yu
if on a winter’s night a traveler by italo calvino
bright lights, big city by jay mcinerney
suicide by édouard levé
the malady of death by marguerite duras
how like a god by rex stout
the diver’s clothes lie empty by vendela vida
the night circus by erin morgenstern
a man asleep by georges perec
open water by caleb azumah nelson
season thirteen theme and reading list
it’s time for another season of lottery pod, and today’s theme reveal is news to everyone, including joey. (well, not everyone. shreds knows. he made it.) we discuss the theme as structure (rather than content), the inspiration for this theme, and the only book most people know that fit this theme. we talk about our goal of aiming for something less depressing, shreds teases modules that he created but abandoned, and we wonder if this module annoy us. we discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of writing in this style.
reading list for season thirteen
interior chinatown by charles yu
if on a winter’s night a traveler by italo calvino
bright lights, big city by jay mcinerney
suicide by édouard levé
the malady of death by marguerite duras
how like a god by rex stout
the diver’s clothes lie empty by vendela vida
the night circus by erin morgenstern
a man asleep by georges perec
open water by caleb azumah nelson
blake butler interview (author of 300,000,000, aannex, void corporation, uxa.gov)
after covering four of his novels — 300,000,000, aannex, void corporation, and uxa.gov — we talk to blake butler about his work. note: there are spoilers in this conversation (at least as much as you can spoil blake’s work.) we ask him about what he focuses on when he reads, his double book launch, and whether his nonfiction writing helps inform his fiction writing. we learn how miles davis inspired his editing process, the benefits of setting things in the distant future, and how much he thinks about the design on the page while writing. we explore adapting his text to other mediums (and channeling other mediums through the novel as an art form), how he aims to make his readers feel yucky, and how much he shares about his in-progress writing with other writers. blake talks about how he tries to capture america in his writing. we ask a new question in our author-driven module. we pick up some more stone cold nba locks. blake talks about all-you-can-eat buffets.
reading list for season twelve
300,000,000 by blake butler
aannex by blake butler
void corporation by blake butler
uxa.gov by blake butler
uxa.gov by blake butler
the final book in our blake butler module is uxa.gov, which may be his hardest-to-understand book we’ve covered. we talk about why we thought it would be more approachable, as well as why we should know better by now. we discuss the premise and whether it feels or reads like a film being described, the importance of font choice in the printing, and the value of the violence that blake creates in his books. we try to figure out if “chain smoking” four of blake’s books in a row the right way to read them as we also reflect on the books we covered this module. we tear down the business of star ratings. shreds explores whether reactions to body horror are universal. (stay tuned for our next episode, releasing in one week, where we talk to blake butler about all four of the novels we read this module.)
reading list for season twelve
300,000,000 by blake butler
aannex by blake butler
void corporation by blake butler
uxa.gov by blake butler
void corporation by blake butler
our blake butler module continues with a slight swerve and schedule pivot as we discuss void corporation (formerly titled alice knott). we talk about the text’s new foreword from blake, the approachability of this novel (especially in comparison to his other work), and the benefits of having read more of blake’s other novels to compare to this text. we discuss the way this novel portrays the media, the idea of things not being there (or of being removed), and the many associations tied to the name alice. like blake, we take down the golden age of tv. we ask: what does art mean? joey busts out a barcode scanner. egg and shreds talk about being physically moved by art. we wonder: does this book encourage bad behavior at museums? (our module concludes next episode with uxa.gov, followed by an interview with blake butler after that.)
reading list for season twelve
300,000,000 by blake butler
aannex by blake butler
void corporation by blake butler
uxa.gov by blake butler
a book club, like oprah’s if oprah were two suburban guys from new jersey, or reese witherspoon’s if reese were two suburban guys from new jersey, except without the engine of fame that those two huge stars provide. but come on: oprah is not going to answer your emails. (trust us, we know.) every two weeks, a new book microscoped and surgeried by benevolent despot joey lewandowski and disgraced college professor "shreds"... with your help! here's a guarantee: every episode ends with an arrestable crime. will it be something boring like credit card fraud or something sexy like a casino heist? listen to find out.