A podcast, produced in rural Australia, bringing together ambitious women from the bush, the city and all over the world. As a former ABC Rural journalist, Comp...
A new era for Georgie Robertson of the Regional PR and Co
Today's guest is well known to rural Australian's and every media outlet in the country,
If you see an innovative rural story written up in the Australian or a regional woman in Country Style or someone cool on the Today show - chances are Georgie Robertson has had a hand in getting the story there.
Georgie is the Regional PR Co which will now become the Regional PR and Co - because this years she's scaling up.
I often sit and wonder how she does all she does, her work championing the best and most innovative and impactful businesses outside of the cities seems endless and her own impact is not to be underestimated.
This chat is about just that - how she manages it all - but let's start at the most exciting part and that is - what will be new for her in 2025.
This is a Manson Podcasting production in partnership with Rabobank Australia - join our weekly conversation via the Company on Sunday newsletter at companyonsundays.substack.com
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Olympic Gold Medallist Giaan Rooney has her husband Sam Levett to thank for her love of farming
Hello and welcome back to Company for 2025 - it feel like about 3 years since I was last talking with you.
We've got an exciting year of stories lined up for you in 2025 as well as some live events in the works as well. Make sure you subscribe or follow the podcast to keep abreast of these things.
To start off the year - our podcast is sounding a bit different today - as we have not one but two guests - and for the first time ever we have a male interviewee on the airwaves.
So grab your husbands - and get them on board too because I know they will love both the male and the female in this chat.
Today we hear from Olympic Gold Medallist, commentator, professional speaker and farmer, Giaan Rooney and her fifth generation cattle farmer husband Sam Levett who also runs the livestock buying and selling platform: The Herd Online.
These guys led a *hectic* life that juggles farming, children, an innovative agricultural platform, TV gigs and just for good measure a huge house renovation too.
Giaan Rooney knew nothing about farming or agriculture for most of her life until she met Sam - and now she could hold her own amongst most of the farming greats - she's an excellent advocate for our industry -
We talked for literally hours to record this podcast, that's just the nature of their story so without further ado - let's hear it .
This is a Manson Podcasting production in partnership with Rabobank Australia.
You can find a BONUS encore of Giaans' story by becoming a paid subscriber to our newsletter Company on Sundays. Sign up here - looking forward to seeing you there!
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Skye Ward: A very special guest for our last episode of 2024
Skye Ward's journey as a mother, daughter, granddaughter and professional have taken many weaves and turns, especially in the last few years.
After a series of personally challenging events; trouble holding pregnancies, an industrial waste development proposal over the hill from her family home and then managing COVID lockdowns with a two week old baby and two older children - all of a sudden and seemingly with no notice, Skye hit a brick wall... she was really pushed to the edge
And it spurred on some big 'make you feel sick' kind of life decisions.
The biggest decision for the Ward family it was to sell the family farm, which had been in her mothers family for generations.
The reason I wanted to have Skye on this podcast not primarily because she has been through a lot but also because I think she has so much to offer in the way she articulates what she's learnt from these times.
And I think, well I hope her reflections on this most challenging of times - might be a balm to you too, as you navigate life's inevitable twists and turns.
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Ali Lord- CEO of innovative global events business and farm girl
This is a little bit of a having your cake and eating it too kinda story.
Today's guest is an impressive example of a women who's managed to run a world-class business in the city while remaining strongly involved in the evolution of her family farm.
Ali Lord is the CEO of Headbox Australia, an innovative digital events company that she runs by going between her family farm in remote north QLD and head office in Sydney.
I've been wanting to speak with Ali since I heard her parents Artie and Casey Lord speak about succession planning at the Rabobank Tent at Beef Week.
Really, really impressive stuff.
And Ali, our guest today- their daughter - is the proof in the pudding.
CEO of her own company (which has not a lot to do with ag) and a silent partner, family stakeholder of the farm with a fiance who's a manager there.
This interview has a bit of everything - it's defs got a girl boss vibe and there's talk about succession planning, productvity hacks, travel tips, podcast recommendations, how to run a good business, childhood influences, gardening and even Elon Musk.
This is a Manson Podcasting production in partnership with Rabobank Australia.
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Lottie Rae: A real WTF story
One of the worlds biggest supermodels, arguably the world biggest supermodel, Gigi Hadid has commissioned an art work from a young artist who lives in Trangie in Central West NSW
Lottie Rae works from a shipping container at hoe home in Trangie where she live with her husband and two boys.
Last year she ditched her coffee shop and homewares shop in town to become a full time artist- and thank god she did otherwise we would not have this story to tell.
This is a Manson Podcasting production in partnership with Rabobank Australia.
A podcast, produced in rural Australia, bringing together ambitious women from the bush, the city and all over the world. As a former ABC Rural journalist, Company host Skye Manson loves to shine the spotlight on rural people doing amazing things. Each series will include a hand picked mix of stories from well known and inspirational women in our cities, international friends and colleagues and of course - country women who're killing it in business.