Welcome to Citizen Concerned. I am Katlego Moagi and I am simply here to get South Africa talking about the issues that really matter for the country. I want us...
Skomota, Cyan, Zodwa.....? Really...Did we create that?
We as Africans are destroying our communities because of what we tolerate and what we champion. It is time to stop the hyping of the lowest behaviours .
Katlego Is here for the conversation
The Worst Of Us Are Taking Over
People like Cyan or whatever her name is are behind the rot in our country. Unfortunately they cant do this on their own. We are giving them the power to carry on.
Hate Them Or Love Them. Facts Dont Care
Out of all the parties within the countries only the Democratic Alliance (DA) is showing proof that it really is trying to fix the country's various municipalities.
At least based on the findings of the Auditor Genral this is true.
Is This The Most Evil Company In SA?
After failing your loyal customers we find ourselves having to beg you to do right by the customer.
the government is dead silent while a company of this size tries to get away with hurting citizens through their products and never paying for any of it.
NHI will bring Equality and Inclusivity
Private healthcare perpetuates injustice and inequality in the view of Dr Aaron Motsoaledi and his fellow comrades
Welcome to Citizen Concerned. I am Katlego Moagi and I am simply here to get South Africa talking about the issues that really matter for the country. I want us to talk about the issues most of us hate discussing. Politics especially, education, work and family. These are the issues that build empires if we conduct them well. In order to conduct our politics well we have to Beware of the Comrades. Single parent households, alcoholism, promiscuity, poor education+skills, trade unions and laziness. Lets talk about it . We have to name the problems or they will destroy us.