79. The Carp Fishing Podcast - Dan Kilgour - Particle Prep & Passion
We kick off this month's podcast with a deep dive into Mark's measurements, make what you will of that but be warned it caught me off guard. Topics of discussion this time round also include a deeper dive into the functionality of a carps gut governed by water temperatures. Do you think about the carp's cold water digestion process when you apply bait, maybe it's not front of mind but considering a carp's gut operates differently in cold water it's a topic that's worth exploring. We also have the second installment of Dan Kilgour's story. The first episode went down a storm, Dan's passion was infectious and the drive and determination he puts into his fishing, his particles and his profession was incredible. I really enjoyed recording these two episodes and I hope you get a real insight into the life of a working man, one juggling family life and carp fishing while growing his side hustle, the highly regarded Big Dogs Nuts. Enjoy. Â
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78. The Carp Fishing Podcast - Dan Kilgour - Targets & Tigers
We've been looking forward to this one dropping. This is the first part of a really honest chat with Mr Big Dogs himself, The Iceman, Dan Kilgour. We delve into the sort of big carp hunting that runs deep in Dan's DNA and discuss how demanding it has been over the years, but as you'll get to hear, he wouldn't change it for the world. We also delve into mine and Marks winter tactics that have recently helped us catch some lovely winter carp. We also touch on what carp are looking for in the winter, how they digest food and how our approach shoud be tailored to cold water carp, to keep the bites coming. Enjoy!Â
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77. The Carp Fishing Podcast - Henry Lennon - Globe-Trotting
We're back, it's 2025 already and we kick off this year with another long, format podcast. Once again we discussed a wide variety of topics, including a recent health scare, how our relationship with carp fishing has changed with age, we also delved into the fantastic "Fox Fish Fund" a new initiative inspired in some part by our Cotswold Carp events. Lewis Porter and the guys at Fox have recently donated 25 carp to open access fisheries up and down the country so it was only right that they feature on this month as seen on screen. We also have a special guest, in the form of Mr Globe-Trotter himself and all round nice guy Henry Lennon. It was great to pop up to Nash HQ for a good catch up with Henry, he's caught some absolute monster carp from all over Europe in recent years, all of which have come off the back of serious graft and dedication. I got to delve into his rather unusual introduction into carp fishing while growing up in Europe and discuss how that's shaped his desire to travel the globe in search of adventures. I also got to pick his brains on his recent underwater films, what he'd learnt and what he'd change in the future. Last but not least we end with a friendly game of Top Trumps, against his brother in arms, Jacob Worth. Who's the strongest........? Enjoy.Â
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76. The Carp Fishing Podcast - Breeding Beautiful Carp - Ollie Thomas
This month we kick off our monthly ramblings with tales of Mark's underwear. In fact Giles dropped us a line with some information from Mark's old football days that needed clarification. We also discuss the passing of time with age, Mark's new fishing plans (Thursday Club) before delving into the latest Monument stocking, all 64lb of it. In addition, we have a great guest this month, a man who's handled more carp than most will catch in ten lifetimes, Ollie Thomas. Many of you will be familiar with Ollie as he's the man behind the wonderful instagram account "Carp Collection" which simply showcases Ollie's home grown carp. Ollie has invested many years in growing the cream of the crop in terms of looks and heritage, his carp really do "stop the scroll" so to speak and it was great to hear that he's secured a role at Linchhill Fisheries to manage an on site breeding programme that will secure the future of the fishery with exactly the same carp the venue is famous for. It's a really fascinating chat, one that delves into growing carp at home, the issues at play when growing carp in tanks and how to overcome them. It's also our last podcast before Christmas, so a huge thanks once again to all our listeners, without your ears and messages of support our podcast wouldn't be possible. Have a wonderful festive season, we hope your sacks are full and we'll be back in January with more of the same.Â
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75. The Carp Fishing Podcast - Mike & Mark - Euro Disasters & Receding hair lines
This month we didn't manage to track down a special guest for one reason or another. However we still had lots to discuss, including our recent disaster trip to France, rigs with loops and clips, Mark's lack of rig finesse and my receding hair line according to Mr Bryant. Enjoy.Â