Lisa Laizure teaches a Women's Bible Study in Phoenix Arizona. Her greatest desire is to have women connect the dots between their everyday life and their fait...
What does the BIBLE say the BAPTISM of the HOLY SPIRIT is?
What does the Baptism of the Holy Spirit mean? If you ask 10 different people from 10 different churches you will get 10 different answers! Why? Because some of you come from Charismatic backgrounds. Some of you come from Bible church backgrounds and there seem to be two different camps regarding this topic. Let’s see what the BIBLE actually says!!
God is not mad at you
We all sin. We all feel the weight of our sin and what that can produce is a feeling that God is mad at us. But we forget that Jesus paid for our sins! He covered our sins. Today we will see how God looks at us and we will use the illustration of potholes and asphalt to make this point!
More Spiritual Gifts
Last week we talked about all the different spiritual gifts people have who help at our Bible Study but there are actually more spiritual gifts than what we talked about! Maybe yours is the gift of faith or the gift of healing. Today we will continue talking about other gifts of the Spirit that you might have!
Slow Down
We are always busy. We don’t take time to stop and smell the roses and I think the same thing happens regarding reading the Bible. We are on a time schedule so maybe we grab a quick devotional. Maybe we read a quick verse before we go out the door. But if we want to know God and what He is like we are going to have to slow down and open our Bible and read it slowly!
God created YOU for a purpose!
God created us all differently. We all have different personalities and different abilities and when we become a follower of Jesus we all use our different gifts to point people to Him! We are all part of the body of Christ and each part matters!
Lisa Laizure teaches a Women's Bible Study in Phoenix Arizona. Her greatest desire is to have women connect the dots between their everyday life and their faith in Jesus. She believes strongly in the sovereignty of God and in the Bible as our final authority. Her passion is getting fellow Christians to understand the importance of reading and studying God’s Word on a daily basis. She and her husband Rob have written nine books including "Remind Me" and "Discouraged”.