Explore the transformative era of The French Revolution in this six-part series, delving into the origins, key events, and lasting impact of one of history's mo...
The Ancien Régime and the Enlightenment -Sowing the Seeds of the French Revolution
In this episode, we delve into the origins and early stages of the French Revolution, one of history's most transformative events. We explore the social and economic conditions of pre-revolutionary France, examine the impact of Enlightenment ideas, and trace the key events that led to the overthrow of the Ancien Régime. From the calling of the Estates-General to the storming of the Bastille, the creation of the National Assembly, and the early years of the revolutionary government, we provide a comprehensive look at how France began its journey from absolute monarchy to republic. This episode offers listeners a deep understanding of the complex factors that sparked this pivotal moment in world history and its far-reaching consequences.
Explore the transformative era of The French Revolution in this six-part series, delving into the origins, key events, and lasting impact of one of history's most significant upheavals. From the social and political tensions that led to the fall of the Bastille, through the radical Reign of Terror, to the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte, each episode unravels the complexities of revolutionary France. Discover the sweeping reforms, the abolition of feudal privileges, and the enduring legacy of the revolution that reshaped France and inspired democratic movements worldwide.