Random facts are only random because we don't know the context behind them. This podcast will fix all that by explaining the history, science, and cultural bas...
The Closest Living Relative Of The T-Rex Is The Chicken
Like many young kids I was fascinated by dinosaurs growing up. The idea of these massive creatures roaming the Earth filled me with wonder and excitement. Stegosaurus was always my favorite personally. But for anyone disappointed that dinosaurs are no longer around I have some good news ... they are. They have just taken a very different form these days. A form that tastes great with barbeque sauce or honey mustard. Host - Michael Rainey - https://twitter.com/raineymichaelvTo make a monthly contribution as a subscriber to this podcast, head to https://www.storytellerentertainment.co/subscriptions
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The Center Of Our Galaxy Is Made of Raspberry Rum
If you enjoy a nice cocktail and astronomy, than this is the episode for you. Now before you listen I will admit, I am stretching the definition of rum a bit. But please forgive me because like most episodes of this series I'm excited for the chance to share a random fact that takes us on so many wonderful tangents from the atomic orbitals of electrons to how raspberries get their flavor. Host - Michael Rainey - https://twitter.com/raineymichaelvTo make a monthly contribution as a subscriber to this podcast, head to https://www.storytellerentertainment.co/subscriptions
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George Washington Carver Didn't Invent Peanut Butter, but He Did Save American Agriculture
There's nothing quite as satisfying as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, no matter what your age. And as such a common treat, you might think we should spend an episode discussing the person who invented peanut butter. I thought it was invented by George Washington Carver, but I was wrong, and reading about him led me down an interesting journey about education, agriculture, and the healing powers of legumes. So take a listen to an episode about a man who cared so much about education, he made a classroom on wheels so he could travel and teach ... I have a feeling he would have loved the internet. Host - Michael Rainey - https://twitter.com/raineymichaelvTo make a monthly contribution as a subscriber to this podcast, head to https://www.storytellerentertainment.co/subscriptions
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Why Is English One of the Only Languages That Has Spelling Bees?
Do you ever mix up there, their, and they're? Or perhaps like me you forget when to use its as opposed to it's. Or perhaps you've wondered why cough doesn't rhyme with rough, or though, or through. Well, English is a messy language. It is so confusing that spelling words correctly is an accomplishment, so we host spelling bees to show off that skill. But English is unique in hosting spelling bees, most cultures of other languages don't have any need to test spelling. That begs the question, how did English become so messed up? This episode will guide you through the thousands of years of history that led to the language we know today. Host - Michael Rainey - https://twitter.com/raineymichaelvTo make a monthly contribution as a subscriber to this podcast, head to https://www.storytellerentertainment.co/subscriptions
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All Human Beings Glow
Fireflies, sea jellies, and ... humans? Seriously, all of them can glow? It's true. But before you look down at your hands and say to yourself these aren't glowing so clearly this episode was made by a crazy person ... give his episode a listen. We take a deep dive into bioluminescence, the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, and free radicals to explain it all. Host - Michael Rainey - https://twitter.com/raineymichaelvTo see more of what Storyteller Entertainment has to offer, head to our website: https://www.storytellerentertainment.co
Random facts are only random because we don't know the context behind them. This podcast will fix all that by explaining the history, science, and cultural basis for every random fact you've ever wondered about.