My Big TOE by Thomas Campbell - Unifying Mind and Matter
Thomas Campbell together with the MBT Volunteers
This is a podcast featuring curated content on the lifelong work of physicist and consciousness researcher, Thomas Campbell, who is the author of the My Big TOE...
My Big TOE, Episode 20 - The Logic Behind the Scenes - Schrödinger's Cat, Zeno Effect, Double Slit Experiment
In this episode, Tom explains the mechanics of computing reality – analytical vs digital. He then explains how the rendering engine computes three paradoxes:
Schrödinger’s Cat;
The Zeno Effect; and
The Double Slit Experiment.
This episode is Part 3 of the MBT Science Trilogy series.
YouTube Link to the original MBT Science Trilogy playlist:
My Big TOE, Episode 19 - Thomas Campbell Answers Your Questions Vol. 4_June 2021
Thomas Campbell's big theory of everything generates many questions from those seeking answers to the bigger picture viewpoint. A lot of these questions are received via email, website contact forms, and YouTube comments. In this episode, Donna of MBT Events asks Tom some questions that could be beneficial for many listeners.
Topics include:
1) Belief Traps
2) Fractal Processes
3) Lowering Entropy
4) The partitioning off of the Free Will Awareness Unit (FWAU)
My Big TOE, Episode 18 - The Softer Side of MBT
While Tom’s Theory of Everything provides a fully scientific explanation of both the objective and subjective worlds and can derive both Relativity and Quantum Mechanics – the purpose in all of it is love.
“Your mission is to grow up. It's to lower your entropy. It's to become love. That's your mission. That's what you're here for.” –Tom Campbell
Link to YouTube video used for this episode:
My Big TOE, Episode 17 - The Logic of Virtual Reality
Tom walks us through applying the logic of Virtual Reality (VR) to ourselves. This VR provides an effective evolutionary process because of the significant and challenging ethical and moral choices available to us. As a social system, we can lower our entropy if we maximize our caring for, and cooperation with, each other. Love is the answer!
This episode is Part 2 of the MBT Science Trilogy series.
YouTube Link to the original MBT Science Trilogy
My Big TOE, Episode 16 - The Origins of Consciousness; a New Look at MBT
In this discussion, Donna asks Tom about the evolution of the Larger Consciousness System (LCS). Tom’s My Big TOE trilogy is built upon the assumptions that consciousness both exists, and evolves, but what may have happened leading up to this? How did the LCS figure out that Love is the answer? Growing up is a slow process, even for the LCS! Remember that the ideas in the episode are primarily conjecture, but they add some new understanding to some very ancient stories.
About My Big TOE by Thomas Campbell - Unifying Mind and Matter
This is a podcast featuring curated content on the lifelong work of physicist and consciousness researcher, Thomas Campbell, who is the author of the My Big TOE (MBT) book trilogy. His Theory of Everything (TOE) is a scientific model of reality based on the idea that consciousness is the fundamental substance of reality. It brings together the objective and subjective worlds under one common understanding.
The My Big TOE Podcast by Thomas Campbell is brought to you by MBT Volunteers and made possible by MBT Events - check them out at
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