Keeping pace with the rapidly evolving glaucoma space, GT: The Podcast brings the latest thought-provoking information and insights on glaucoma to the ophthalmi...
Pearls for Effective Laser Cyclophotocoagulation of the Glaucomatous Eye
N. Troy Gurney, MD, and Richard K. Lee, MD, PhD, recap their article, “Pearls for Effective Laser Cyclophotocoagulation of the Glaucomatous Eye,” which was featured in a recent issue of Glaucoma Today. They make the case that transscleral cyclophotocoagulation should be considered earlier in the glaucoma treatment algorithm and review the proper technique and indications to maximize effectiveness and minimize complications.
Survey Says: Treatment for a High-Risk Patient
On this episode of Survey Says, a special edition of GT: The Podcast, I. Paul Singh, MD, is joined by guests Lorraine M. Provencher, MD, and Brian Shafer, MD, to review a real case from his practice. They discuss details of the case, including patient risk factors and possible treatment goals, and consider their choices for managing the case in the most effective manner while still leaving options on the table for future treatment. Later, the panelists find out how their colleagues would manage the case, based on results of a social media poll of GT’s audience.
Chronic Stress and Glaucomatous Progression • Advances in Eye Drop Aids
This episode features two articles recently published in Glaucoma Today. First, Shannan Moore, BS, recaps her article—“Is There a Link Between Chronic Stress, Autonomic Dysregulation, and Glaucomatous Progression?”—which was written with Garrick Chak, MD, and makes the case that it may be worthwhile to incorporate questions about chronic emotional stressors into patient encounters. Then, Mona Kaleem, MD, recaps her article—“Advances in Eye Drop Aids”—which was written with Delcora Huggins, BS, and reviews four available solutions to help overcome the challenges associated with eye drop administration.
Improving the Affordability of Glaucoma Medications
Jason Xiao, BS, recaps his article, “Improving the Affordability of Glaucoma Medications,” which was written with Jin Choi, MD; Pathik Amin, OD; Alaina Tarantino, PharmD, BCPS; and Mary Qiu, MD, and featured in the May/June issue of Glaucoma Today. Their article explores strategies to address the financial barriers to glaucoma medication adherence and reviews an initiative by the University of Chicago Medicine to help reduce patients’ out-of-pocket pharmacy costs.
Initial Visits and Long-term Care of Glaucoma Patients in Primary Eye Care Settings
Which technologies are essential to conducting a thorough examination for new glaucoma patients? And which modalities and softwares are most useful for long-term care? Danica Marrelli, OD, and Anu Laul, OD, compare their approaches to initial encounters with glaucoma patients, swap notes on their preferred methodologies for tracking long-term treatment, and identify areas where primary eye care providers could improve the quality of care.
Keeping pace with the rapidly evolving glaucoma space, GT: The Podcast brings the latest thought-provoking information and insights on glaucoma to the ophthalmic community. Leading experts discuss the many developments advancing the understanding and treatment of the disease, with the collective goal of ushering in a new era of glaucoma care. GT: The Podcast is produced by Bryn Mawr Communications and Glaucoma Today.
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