When life goes sideways, we often wonder "Where is God?" Or, maybe we feel like God is just being mean. But like a loving parent, God always has our best interest in mind and sometimes he disciplines us because he loves us. In this message, our guest speaker, Tom Lambshead, helps us understand why God sometimes seems mean.
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Reaching Next Gen | Engaging Others with the Good News #3 | Dwayne Cline
Do you have children or grandchildren that don't yet know Jesus? Are you burdened for the next generation? In this message, we will learn that the good news is indeed for this next generation and can be explained to them in ways they understand. It begins with understanding what they value so we can build relationships with them that will lead to opportunities to speak truth into their lives.
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Why the Resurrection Matters | Engaging Others with the Good News #2 | Dwayne Cline
The apostle Paul and his companions would often begin sharing the good news about Jesus in the synagogues. This was a religious hub of the time. Paul sought out these opportunities to talk to the Jewish people who were familiar with the prophecies and promises about the coming Messiah.
Paul's message focussed on the resurrection of Jesus and how he was the fulfillment of God's promises and the heart of the good news! Jesus is the one we can put our faith and trust in for salvation because he is alive!
But we can't keep this incredible news to ourselves. God has brought people of other faiths and religions to our communities. Gathering together to share each of our faiths and traditions can provide an amazing opportunity for us to tell them about Jesus.
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Empowered by the Holy Spirit | Engaging Others with the Good News #1 | Dwayne Cline
We often focus on the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. But, have you thought about his ascension and its implication on your faith and journey as a follower of Jesus? On the day Jesus ascended into heaven, he promised his disciples that the Holy Spirit would empower them to be his witnesses.
We are now called by Jesus to be his witnesses. We can share our faith with confidence because the message of salvation through Jesus is TRUE, and we have the Holy Spirit living in us to empower us to be bold witnesses.
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And Now the How | Live Your Best Life #2 | Louis Scheepers
Did you know being just one degree off course, can completely change your destination? Small, consistent choices shape your future—good or bad. In today’s message, we’ll explore the HOW of living your best life, inspired by Daniel’s simple and consistent habits.
Key Takeaways:
- Tiny habits can have a massive impact on your life.
- Build habits based on who you want to be, not just what you want to do.
- Unconscious habits—formed by stress, busyness, or boredom—can hold you back.
- One small, intentional habit can transform everything.
Don’t miss this practical message. Watch now to take your next step toward living your best life!