I have been a skin care professional and beauty advisor for over 30 years. After suffering with food allergies and a stressful career for years, then being laid...
Learn how to eat healthy without giving up the foods you love. Today's guest is Mareya Ibrahim "The fit Foodie" check her out at: https://eatcleaner.com/ GET YOUR FREE EBOOK HERE by texting fit foodie to 22828 About Mareya Ibrahim Mareya Ibrahim, The Fit Foodie, is a nationally recognized food expert and is the founder of eatcleaner.com. She is the founder of Grow Green Industries, INC. and the creator of the Eat Cleaner line of food wash and wipes. Mareya is also the author of “Eat Like you Give a Fork: The Real Dish on Eating to Thrive", "The Clean Eating Handbook," and a contributor to the NY Times bestseller “The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life” and the book and Emmy-nominated show, Recipe Rehab. Her column ‘The Fit Foodie’ has appeared in Edible Orange County Magazine since 2011.
How Add strength to your yoga Practice
Doing yoga can really help relive feeling of being anxious or restless. But, is there a way to build muscle or strength in your yoga practice? Today I give you some tip on how best to add strength to your normal yoga routine.
Five minute guild for doing yoga while stuck at home
while stuck at home were can start to feel anxious, stressed and restless or a combination of all of those thing. It's not a very pleasant feeling. We may feel like we want to crawl out of our skin. On today's episode I have some tips for doing yoga home which may help relieve these types of feeling.
Immune boosting
republished from my friends at TheAlternativeDaily is going to explain the potential benefits of a rather unusual daily drink tonic… As you might know , real sea salt (not processed refined salt) is actually very good for you in moderate quantities and has many health benefits, including supplying your body with dozens of trace minerals. Science has also proven that moderate levels of sea salt is actually GOOD for your heart health and does not negatively affect blood pressure like was previously believed years ago. This may sound unusual, but the health benefits are real… By Stephen Seifert, TheAlternativeDaily.com
Train Your Brain to Eat Less
You’re going along sticking to your diet when suddenly you hit a bump in the road. Maybe you skip breakfast and wind up eating a double bacon cheeseburger for lunch because you’re so hungry. Maybe you enjoy healthy dinners, but you snack on potato chips afterwards because your stomach is rumbling. Managing your weight is easier when you can control your appetite. Even if you’re a healthy size now, your body will slow down as you grow older. That means you’re liable to gain excess pounds just by eating the same amount as usual. Remember that hunger starts in your brain and so does the solution. Try these tips for training yourself to eat less.
I have been a skin care professional and beauty advisor for over 30 years. After suffering with food allergies and a stressful career for years, then being laid off from my corporate job, I went back to school. My love of health and fitness has definitely influenced my career path. I have figured out that whole healthy foods nourish and heal my body. After seeing how small changes made such a big difference in my own health, I knew I wanted a career helping others live healthier and happier lives. I decided to pursue my passion for nutrition and nutritional healing in order to help others. I want to work with women who feel the pounds piling on, who have no energy, who have leaky gut symptoms, who have taken care of others for years and now need to care for themselves. I want to help my client find the whole foods nourishment that work for their body, exercise that they enjoy, and to reset their metabolism, regain their youthful energy and feel fantastic!