Dive into the chilling depths of human nature with Evidence Locker True Crime, where every episode unveils riveting tales from around the globe. As dedicated af...
In July 1985, Father Niall Molloy was found brutally beaten in the home of his close friends, Richard and Teresa Flynn, after a family wedding. What followed was a trial riddled with controversy, ending in a shocking not guilty verdict for the only suspect. Was it a tragic accident, a cover-up, or something far more sinister?
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25% of Evidence Locker Patreon proceeds are donated to support the Doe Network – solving international cold cases. To learn more about it visit their website at: https://www.doenetwork.org/
RTÉ Investigates: Father Molloy - New Evidence
The Killing of Father Niall Molloy
Who rid them of this troublesome priest?
Murdered Priest Horse and Paintings Disappeared After Death
RTÉ publishes new evidence in notorious 1985 killing of Fr Niall Molloy in Offaly
Significant new evidence on the killing of Fr Niall Molloy
What happened to Richard Flynn? The Westmeath man accused of killing Father Niall Molloy
Created & Produced by Sonya Lowe
Narrated by Noel Vinson
Music: “Nordic Medieval” by Marcus Bressler
Background track: Doblado Studios: https://www.youtube.com/c/DobladoStudios
This True Crime Podcast was researched using open-source or archive materials.
223: The Lady of the Lake, Hallie Illingworth | USA
In 1940, a body surfaced in Washington’s Lake Crescent, perfectly preserved by its icy depths. The discovery revealed a tale of love, betrayal, and murder. Who was Hallie Illingworth, and what led to her tragic fate? Explore the chilling story of the "Lady of the Lake" in this captivating episode.
For more information, visit Evidence Locker Website
Want to support our podcast? Visit our page at Patreon
25% of Evidence Locker Patreon proceeds are donated as support to the Doe Network – solving international cold cases. To learn more about it visit their website at: https://www.doenetwork.org/
Cat’s True Crime Corner
The Lady of Crescent Lake
The Lady of the Lake
BACK WHEN: The true crime story of a 1940 Peninsula murder
BACK WHEN: Part 2 – The Lady of the Lake Murder Mystery
Missing Couple Mystery Solved After 75 Years in Deep Washington Lake
Created & Produced by Sonya Lowe
Narrated by Noel Vinson
Music: “Nordic Medieval” by Marcus Bressler
Background track: Doblado Studios: https://www.youtube.com/c/DobladoStudios
This True Crime Podcast was researched using open-source or archive materials.
222: The Gävle Goat’s Fiery Legacy | Sweden
This week we uncover the peculiar and fiery tale of the Gävle Goat, a Swedish Christmas tradition turned international spectacle. For decades, this towering straw goat has captivated the world as it falls victim to daring arsonists year after year. Join us as we explore the history of the Yule Goat, the bizarre rivalry between festive pride and rebellion, and the unwavering resilience of the town of Gävle.
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Want to support our podcast? Visit our page at Patreon
25% of Evidence Locker Patreon proceeds are donated to support the Doe Network – solving international cold cases. To learn more about it, visit their website at: https://www.doenetwork.org/
Killing Gävle
Christmas Commences – A Gävle Goat Documentary
The Complete History of the Gälve Goat
Visit Gävle
Created & Produced by Sonya Lowe
Narrated by Noel Vinson
Theme Music: “Nordic Medieval” by Marcus Bressler
Additional music track: Mikhail Smusev from Pixabay
Background track: Doblado Studios: https://www.youtube.com/c/DobladoStudios
This True Crime Podcast was researched using open-source or archive materials.
The Day Santa Died in Arizona (Revisited)
In 1932 a local newspaper editor wanted to bring joy to the town of Mesa. He arranged for a man dressed as Santa to parachute from a plane to join the Christmas parade. But everything did not go according to plan and for the rest of his life, the editor was called: The Man Who Killed Santa Claus…
Website: Evidence Locker Website
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The man who killed Santa Claus
The day Santa died in Mesa
The shame of the newspaper editor who ‘killed’ Santa in public view
Santa Claus nearly died in Arizona
How hundreds of kids witnessed the ‘death’ of Santa Claus after he jumped out of a plane
The man who killed Santa
The story of the Tribune and ‘The man who killed Santa’
Weird Arizona
Created & Produced by Sonya Lowe
Narrated by Noel Vinson
Music: “Nordic Medieval” by Marcus Bressler
Background track: Doblado Studios: https://www.youtube.com/c/DobladoStudios
This True Crime Podcast was researched using open-source or archive materials.
221: The Dyatlov Pass Incident | Russia
In 1959, nine experienced Russian hikers died mysteriously in the Ural Mountains' Dyatlov Pass. This week, we investigate their final days through recovered diaries, photographs, and official reports. From an abandoned tent cut from within to bodies found with unexplained injuries, the case has baffled investigators for decades. We examine the evidence, explore competing theories, and unpack the 2021 official conclusions about what really happened on Dead Mountain that February night.
For pictures and more information, join us on Facebook
For a full list of resources and credits visit Evidence Locker Website
For all sponsor discount codes, visit this page
Want to support our podcast? Visit our page at Patreon
25% of Evidence Locker Patreon proceeds are donated as support to the Doe Network – solving international cold cases. To learn more about it visit their website at: https://www.doenetwork.org/
An Unknown Compelling Force
The Dyatlov Pass incident sparked terror and conspiracy theories. But has the mystery finally been solved?
Created & Produced by Sonya Lowe
Narrated by Noel Vinson
Music: “Nordic Medieval” by Marcus Bressler
Background track: Doblado Studios: https://www.youtube.com/c/DobladoStudios
This True Crime Podcast was researched using open-source or archive materials.
Dive into the chilling depths of human nature with Evidence Locker True Crime, where every episode unveils riveting tales from around the globe. As dedicated aficionados of the macabre, we meticulously dissect real-life mysteries, transporting you to the heart of each gripping narrative. Brace yourself for a raw, unfiltered exploration of the most haunting cases imaginable. Subscribe now and embark on a spine-tingling odyssey into the world of true crime.