A cataclysmic event known as "The Switch" splits mankind in two, overnight—Daywalkers, people who live during the day, and Nocturnals, people who can only survive at night. In the aftermath of The Switch, an engaged Daywalker couple’s relationship is tested as the new paradigm threatens to pull them into two different worlds.
Written by Hannah Rosner, first published in DEVOUR JOURNAL.
This episode was produced and directed by Sylvain Kauffman, with executive production by Harris Kauffman.
Narration by Helena Mueller. Editing, sound design, mixing, and original music by Sylvain Kauffman.
DEVOUR AUDIOFILES is a production of DEVOUR JOURNAL, founded and edited by Harris Kauffman, with creative direction by Joseph Deutscher.
EPISODE I: Vacancy by Ashley Stokes
In the wake of a global disorder, a paranormal investigator takes up a new case involving a disappearance in an English seaside town, while trying to reconcile the ghosts of her own past.
Written by Ashley Stokes, first published in DEVOUR JOURNAL.
This episode was produced and directed by Sylvain Kauffman, with executive production by Harris Kauffman.
Narration by Vicki-Jo. Editing, sound design, mixing, and original music by Sylvain Kauffman.
DEVOUR AUDIOFILES is a production of DEVOUR JOURNAL, founded and edited by Harris Kauffman, with creative direction by Joseph Deutscher.
DEVOUR JOURNAL presents...
An immersive, sonic exploration of speculative storytelling, horror, science fiction & beyond