Andrew St.Pierre White is a filmmaker and writer, well known with adventure motoring enthusiasts around the world. Here you will find adventure travel informati...
Why this Cruiser? Why the Tommy Camper? Why the Norweld Tray?
These are my rationalisations around the choices I have made for this project.
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Keeping Yourself Comfortable While Camping
A global podcast with Jereamy (USA), Andrew (Australia), and Paul (South Africa).
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LITHIUM VS AGM BATTERY. Should I spend the money?
AGM vs Lithium. Get past the sales talk of lithium batteries and understand the facts.
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DRIVING ON GRAVEL ROADS – Why is 4WD better for gravel?
While driving the Gibb River Road, spending day after day on gravel surfaces, it stuck me that this comes completely naturally to me. I no longer think much about it. But then I did think about it, what I have learnt over the decades and I'd like to share that with you.
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Q&A. What's my new Truck?
This was a YouTube live video turned into a podcast for those wanting to listen to it on the go.
Andrew St.Pierre White is a filmmaker and writer, well known with adventure motoring enthusiasts around the world. Here you will find adventure travel information, inspiration and entertainment. The channel's name is 4xOverland.