United Hope 4 Humanity church sessions.
A LGBT/Disabled War Veteran Owned NonProfit organization. We Want to help other PTSD VETS, as well as other Trauma surv...
Divorce/Separation for those of us with PTSD/Anxiety. How to deal with divorce, possible solutions, and the importance of journaling.
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Season 02, Episode 01: Max Guitar solo
Electric guitar by Max Davison
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Episode 28: Veteran Suicide Awareness and Interventions, Therapy thru music
Songs In this podcast are able to be used thanks to the Fair use act. Songs for morale and trigger strength for those afflicted with suicide ideation, planning, etc. We don’t want another Armed Forces Veteran to die by suicide.
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Episode 27: Famous Words of Wisdom
A message for humanity: Charlie Chaplain, Alan Watts, Sadhguru, Lady Gaga with Bradley Cooper, and The Beatles.
United Hope 4 Humanity church sessions.
A LGBT/Disabled War Veteran Owned NonProfit organization. We Want to help other PTSD VETS, as well as other Trauma survivors through Mindful Meditation and "Healing through Music."